4: Water Me

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'I still can't believe you painted these

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'I still can't believe you painted these.'

Yue says, as she leans against the back of a chair, wrapped in nothing but a sheet, looking at the pictures on the wall and drinking a glass of red wine. Dylan is watching her from the bed, also draped in a sheet, and also drinking wine.

'My mother believed in my talent as an artist, so she was very encouraging... buying me paints... converting the attic into a studio.'

Yue stills as she hears this. In the month that they have known each other, he has never mentioned his mother. She has always been curious about her, and she suspects that Dylan takes after her, because he is nothing like his stone cold father, or brute of a brother. She wants to know more about Dylan, she has long ago admitted to herself that she is head over heels in love with him. They spend every minute of his free time together, waking up next to each other and eating most meals together.

She has discovered a passion for reading because of him. He once took her to the massive library on the second floor, that only he uses. Her eyes almost bulged out of her sockets, seeing the amount of books in there. He suggests the books he thinks she might like, and she happily reads them. When she is not with him, she spends her time reading in her room. She looks forward to sharing her ideas on the books with him. He listens to her attentively and takes everything she says seriously. This is new for her. Nobody has ever taken anything she says seriously.

Their desire for each other continues to grow, the more time they spend together, and the more they make love. If he is not with her, Dylan is constantly thinking about her. His productivity in the office has increased, feeling highly motivated by her, eager to see her as soon as possible. He has never been this happy in his life before and it's all because of her. He has fallen hook, line and sinker in love with her, and now he is just looking for the right moment to tell her.

'Tell me about your mother?' She says.

She is unsure if he will appreciate this question. She is hoping he will not clam up. Dylan takes a deep breath and his eyes turn sad.

'My mother was the most beautiful person on this earth. She was kind, caring... and even softened the hard edges of my father....He was better when she was alive....Anyway, I was her favourite, because I always had time for her, I always wanted to be around her. My brother was already rough as a child. He didn't care about what he called "women things." He bullied me quite a lot, questioning whether I was a man, because I liked to paint, read and hang out with my mother. My father was quite proud of him and his macho ways...the true heir... so I never felt good enough for my dad. But my mother...oh my mother loved me unconditionally. She would do everything with me, and no matter how bad it got with my brother or my father, it didn't bother me, because I had her by my side..... Then one day, when I was thirteen, she fell sick. It was cancer....six months later, she died.' He pauses, a tear trickling down his cheeks.

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