2: The Seeds

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Tears are threatening to spill, as she looks at him with pleading eyes

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Tears are threatening to spill, as she looks at him with pleading eyes. She cannot fail the exam tomorrow. She has seen what happens to some of the girls, once they lose their position. They all come from a life of hardship and strife. There have been times as a child, that she and her sisters have gone hungry, when their mother disappeared for days on end. She knows what it's like to freeze in the Beijing winter. She cannot do that again.

Being a concubine is her only ticket to some kind of life. It's not the life she dreamed of, but her choices are limited. Her mother has accumulated a large debt over the years, and Yue and her sisters have been sold off into this trade, in order to pay for it. Things could be worse, she could be Bolin's concubine, but Dylan's chivalry right now is threatening her very existence. She decides one more time to persuade him. She is desperate.

'Sir... Dylan...If we do not have sex tonight...because I cannot fail the test...I will be left with no choice but to go to your brother and take him up on....'

A flare of anger, that startles Yue, burns furiously in Dylan's eyes. He edges closer to her, causing her to hesitate and stop talking. She finds herself backing away from him as he comes nearer. She finds herself against the wall. He stops, and in a low but firm voice.

'My brother will never have you! You are mine and I forbid it!'

Yue feels relief rush over her, as she hears those words from his mouth. But why? Does he feel something for her? What does it matter if he feels something for her or not? Does she want him to feel something for her? It's dangerous to want anything from them, she chides herself. This man is confusing her.  Suddenly feeling deflated and overwhelmed with her entire situation, the tears trickle down her face, and she slumps, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor.

Dylan is taken aback when he sees her cry. His interaction with her has been quite surreal. She is making him feel all kinds of things, and this is confusing to him. When she mentioned his brother, the idea of it nearly fried his mind. He has never felt that intensity of anger before, and he barely knows this woman, but watching her defeated on his floor, is making him want to do everything in his power to protect her. 

He crouches down beside her and places his hands on her face, making her look up at him. He wipes away the tears on her cheeks and says,

'Please don't cry Yue. Please don't cry.'

They stare at each other again, both unable to look away. She is doing her best to stop crying. Something about that effort, moves something in him, and before he knows it, he is slowly leaning his head down towards hers.She stops breathing as she watches him come closer to her. She can smell his delicious, comforting scent, and she finds herself unconsciously leaning towards him. 

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