14: Trade Winds

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'I promise you Mr Wang He Di, we will do everything in our power to get her back safely to you

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'I promise you Mr Wang He Di, we will do everything in our power to get her back safely to you.'

'You will have to do better than that! Shouts Dylan, wracked with fear. 'You will have to do everything within your power, as well as within every single power of the whole GODAMN UNIVERSE!'

The phone on the table rings, its shrill sound diverting everyone's attention towards it. Without a second thought, Dylan picks it up.


'Hello little brother.'

'You bastard, if you so much as lay a finger on her I swear I will...'

'I've missed you too little brother....'

A few hours before

Yue is at the farm, a few miles away from their house. It is her routine, every morning, to drive out there to check on her crops, and discuss operations with the foreman. She finds it very fulfilling to walk through the fields every morning, breathing in the fresh air of the mountains, and just enjoying being in nature. 

When they first arrived in Hainan, one of the first things she did, was get her driver's license. After all the driving Dylan had to do for the road trip, she realized that if they were to ever do another one, she would love to share the driving load with him.

When she passed her license, Dylan surprised her with a car of her own, so that she could be free to go to work by herself. The fishery and the Pig farm are in a different direction from the rice paddies and the vegetable fields, so it made sense, all around.

Yue picks up some green beans, closes her eyes, and sniffs them. It rained earlier, so the smell of the soil is fresh, the nutirents awakening the senses. She smiles, giddy from looking forward to another day of work. She puts the beans into the basket she is carrying, she will take them home later for eating.

She walks to the nearby barn and stores her basket in there. She must not forget to pick it up. She hears a car drive up and she looks at her watch. That must be the foreman, they wanted to talk about the beans this morning.

As she exits the barn to greet him, then stops in her tracks, when she sees who it is.

'Hello concubine Yue.' He drawls, lazily.

Yue is absolutely still, as she looks at his evil sneer. Seeing him again, after the last time, when he tried to rape her, is raising the hairs on the back of her neck.

'Cat got your tongue? That's alright with me...I prefer my women silent.'

He pulls out his silver bade from his jacket pocket, as well as a pair of handcuffs. He tosses them to her and says,

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