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SHORT CHAPTER SORRY IM REALLY STRESSED W SCHOOL RN )):  please leave comments on things you think I could improve! Thank you!

I cross my legs over each other, sitting across from Linda.
"Chloe?" She says, in a questioning voice

I look up at her quickly,  "are you going to talk or are we going to sit here in our thoughts?" She adds, I sigh

"It's just, there's a lot going on you know?" I ask, she nods

"Lucifer left." I state, she nods, a small frown creeping upon her lips

"I heard about that, I wondered.. how are you doing?" She asks, I pause

"I just feel like, I could've done more. I know I should hate him for abandoning me- but I don't. I just want him to come back." I say slowly, "I spent the first few days drinking, crying, sleeping and wallowing in my own self pity." I admit, she looks shocked

"Okay, that's normal. It's normal to have reactions like this when you experience trauma, you loved Lucifer and now he's gone, obviously that's going to hurt." She replies, I nod

"How do I make it hurt, less?" I ask

"Well, there's a lot of things you have to do to get past trauma. First, you have to realize why it hurts." She states, I nod, deep in thought

"Well, i guess it hurts because.. I loved him. I loved him and he left. I told him I loved him, and he left me on the balcony." I whisper, a silent tear falls down my cheek

"That's progress chloe, and I know it hurts but we need to deal with these emotions, together. If you don't deal with them, you'll never be able to move on." She says, calmly, I nod

"I'm trying,"

After what feels like hours of emotions and reliving the day Lucifer left; I drive around in my car, driving aimlessly.

It's like an out of body experience, I see everything that happens around me, but it's like my body moves without my control, every turn, every single thing I do.

Eventually I wind up outside of lux, as if it's staring down at me, begging me to go inside.
It calls me.

I rush from my car, inside.
I make my way to the penthouse, even though it's been abandoned for months.

As the elevator door opens to Lucifers home; I freeze.
What is coming here going to fix?

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