Part 11 ( Mondler )

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Chandler entered his apartment just before night and yawned, he lighted up the lighting in his chaotic apartment. The sofa carried many of his clothes and a number of old pizza boxes. He removed some things with his foot, then lay down, sighing with laziness.

Chandler remembered that he had switched off his phone from noon after he met Ross to be able to do some work in which his phone must be locked so that his signal is not easily picked up and tracked by the police.

Chandler was not wanted or anything but he was always careful.

He stretched a little and then took out his phone from his pocket and switched it on, suddenly his phone started ringing with several incoming voice messages. He found two from Joey telling him to him when he finishes work and another voice message that tells him not to call him after eight o'clock in the evening because he would be on a date, Chandler smiled at the idea and then looked at the third voice message with a strange number, he opened the voice message and then put the phone on his ear.

" Monica : Hi. This Monica Geller. You don't know me Mr. Bing but you saved me this afternoon, you gave me your card and i don't think i thanked you enough so what do you think we meet tonight if you know a good place to drink please tell me. thank you. "

Chandler suddenly straightened on his seat, it's the girl who he saved earlier! He played the message again to understand its content well. He must be on a date with a girl tonight!

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes thinking about what he might do now, he opened his eyes and looked at his phone it was not yet seven o'clock in the evening, well I will call her.

He called her phone number and kept listening to the bell ringing until he heard Monica's voice on the other side.

Monica : Hello!
Chandler : Hi. It's Chandler Bing. I believe you left me a voice message?
Monica : Yeah hi. I thought you forgot about it since you took a long time to call tho.
Chandler : No no i was just busy with work and i just got home and switched on my phone.
Monica : Yeah? good.
Chandler : So you would like to go for a drink?
Monica : Yeah sure why not.
Chandler : Great. How about the moondance bar the one that is two block away from central perk? 9 o'clock is good?
Monica : Yeah sure i will see you there.
Chandler : Great see you then.

Chandler ended the call and then got up and went to the kitchen to find something to fill his hunger with, he found a sandwich in the refrigerator he heated it up then eat it and then looked at the clock it was past seven with half an hour so he decided to take a shower. He finished his shower, then put on his clothes a sweater and some casual pants both black , he looked again at his watch to find it 8:15. He left his apartment and took his motorbike to a flower shop on the corner of the street where he lived and chose a small bouquet of flowers. He did not want to choose a bigger one as if it was a dinner date, because the only thing is that they will drink together, also he think that he's the kind of men who doesn't like commitments, but there is nothing wrong with a new person breaking into his life.

Chandler arrived on time and entered the place then sat at the bar and asked for a light drink, he kept messing around with his cup until Monica arrived.

Monica moved behind him, then touched his shoulder in a sweet gesture. Chandler turned to her.

Monica : Hi.
Chandler : Hey. You came.
Monica : was i late?
Chandler : No i was early. please sit.

Monica took off her coat and then sat next to Chandler with a wonderful smile on her face.

Chandler : Our table is gonna be free any minute now.
Monica : It's okay.

Monica also ordered a drink and the two started to talk.

Chandler : You look beautiful btw. You have great eyes.
Monica Thank you. I will start to blush now.
Chandler : I kinda noticed that earlier so feel free haha.
Monica : Yeah thank you btw. That was so amazing of you to save me that way.
Chandler : You seemed out of the world at the moment, was everything okay?
Monica : Yeah it's just work, I don't wanna talk about it. Matter of fact i called you because i was DONE with work and i wanted something to take my mind away.
Chandler : You came to the right guy.

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