Part 22 ( You've got my back. )

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Monica put her coat around her shoulder and tightened it to prevent her body from shaking. Gunther noticed this while he was driving, but he did not comment. He knew very well that something had happened to her at the party. Despite the cold weather outside, Gunther knew that she was not shaking because of the cold weather.

Gunther turned up the heater in the car and then finally decided to speak calmly.

Gunther : I won't ask for the details. I just wanna know that you are okay. Monica, I wanna know that no one hurt you in there.
Monica : I'm fine, Gunther. Really thank you.

Gunther looked at her with a sincere smile to soften her. She exchanged the smile and looked back from the window to the almost empty streets of New York.

She never felt lost like this before. She wished if she could shout at the top of her voice, if she could grab her fist and punch the window's glass violently, and if she just could see it shattered in million pieces. But she didn't.

She struggled to hold her tears and hide the matter from Gunther. She was thinking fast. What did she do wrong? How could she trust him so easily? How did she like him that much?

She was now asking herself what's the real reason really prevented her from arresting him there? was it the fact that he told her that he was sorry and that he loved her? She was shocked by the fact that she left him not because she did not want to ruin the plan of tomorrow, but she left him because she was weak in front of him and for her love for him.

She had only one thought in her mind!

Monica Geller federal agent has fallen in love with the drug dealer Chandler Bing!

A single tear escaped her eye but she quickly erased it and it seemed that Gunther did not notice, so she decided to stop the river of her thoughts and talk to him to distract her thinking. But her voice came out weak and fragile.

 But her voice came out weak and fragile

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Monica : Ahem, So, anything new?

Gunther : What? Um, Yeah, Yeah. I was going to tell you but you looked, you know. Anyways actually when you were there i got a phone call from a colleague in the financial crimes unite and guess what?

Monica : All our doubts were true.
Gunther : Yes.
Monica : Oh god.
Gunther : Richard has tons of money and cash that no one know the source of it. Besides some suspicious works.
Monica : This is not good.

There was silence for a while. Gunther had approached the FBI building.

Gunther : Maybe we should get him down.
Monica : It gonna be perfect if we got him tomorrow morning before our go. As much as it hard for me to say this but we need to get rid of him so he won't tell Joey.
Gunther : I think Joey already knows.
Monica : Yeah.
Gunther and Monica have reached the building's parking lot. They had previously decided that they would spend the night before the mission in the unit to collect information and work on the plan without Richard's knowledge.

Gunther turned to Monica before getting off the car.

Gunther : Mon?
Monica : Yeah?
Gunther : Listen, it's almost midnight, and only few people are in the unite right now. So why don't you get up there and get some sleep before the big day? I will wake you up in two hours or something so don't worry.
Monica : I will. Thanks Gunther. You're a good friend.

Monica patted his shoulder before getting off the car. They both went down to the empty offices, so that Monica could get some sleep. While Gunther headed to his desk to continue work on their plan for tomorrow.


This is a short part, like a pre-storm thing lol. 😉🔥

only two more parts til the End. 💔

The next part is the most important part of the whole story. Get ready and grab some tissue. Is it gonna be Happy tears or sad tears!!! keep reading to know. 🤷🏻‍♀️😃🙏🏻

Have a good day. 🌸♥️

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