Chapter 1

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Hey Guys! I made a new book for Romanogers!I hope you like it! I honestly ship them together and thanks for reading!(This is going to be an alternative universe then Captain America's Girl. But it is in the same universe as Running from our past my other book.)


"Romanoff I need you to find Rogers. You have a mission to get to." Fury said through the earpiece. "Yes sir I'll pick him up." I knew where Steve was he was usually running around the Reflecting pool . When got into my car it felt good. I had a black Corvette and I loved the way it looked.

Before starting my car I texted Steve saying meet me at the curb. I jetted down the street to find him talking to Sam Wilson. To mess with him I said "Hey , fellas either one of you know where the Smithsonian is I'm here to pick up a fossil." He answered quickly saying "That's hilarious." Once he got in the car I sped off. We had a mission near the Indian Ocean. We had a plane that would send us to the location.

Once we got to the plane we boarded and waited for a mission debrief from Rumlow. "Target is a mobile Satellite launch platform, the Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago." Steve asked "Any demands?" Rumlow quickly responded "Billion and a half." Steve questioned saying "Why so steep?" Rumlow answered "Because it's S.H.I.E.L.D's."

Steve asked me "So it's not off-course. It's trespassing." I responded him "I'm sure they have a good reason." Steve looked pissed "You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor." I tried to calm him down "Relax it's not that complicated." He seemed ok so he asked Rumlow " How many pirates?" Rumlow swipe of the screen to count " 25. Top mercs led by this guy. Georges Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of interpol's Red notices. Before the French demobilized him, he had 36 kill missions. This guys got a rep for maximum casualties."


Rumlow swiped on the screen to show us what people were on the ship. "Mostly techs. One officer. Jasper Sitwell. They're in the galley ."

Steve and I were confused about it. "What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship. All right, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages,get them to the life-pods get them out."

I went over to where I had my parachute and that's when Rogers came over. "Secure channel seven." I responded checking the channel. "Seven Secure. Did you do anything fun Saturday night." He smiled "We'll, all the guys from my baber shop quartet are dead. so, no, not really." I decided to ask if he still went out on that date. " You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes." I was kinda scared I didn't want to tell him my feelings for him. I just felt like with past he would call me a monster.

Steve was tightening his helmet and said "That's why I don't ask." Before he jumped out I asked " To shy or to scared?" He about to jump but before he did he said "Too busy!"

That's when one of the strike members asked "Was he wearing a parachute?" Rumlow responded almost laughing " No. No he wasn't." We got ready to jump and when we did we saw Steve already taking out some guys. Then I saw a guy point a gun to his head and looked to Rumlow. He nodded and shot the guy. Steve responded to Rumlow saving his life "Thanks." Rumlow responded "Yah, You seemed pretty helpless without me." That's when I got on the boat. "What about the nurse who live across the hall from you? She seems kinda nice."

Steve responded very annoyed "Secure the engine room, Then find me a date." I quickly responded annoyed " I'm multitasking." I went to the engine room to make sure we wouldn't get caught. I snuck up to one of the guys in charge of the engine room. "Hey, Sailor." I said before chocking him with the rope I had. I used him as an anchor so I could slide down the shaft and shoot down everyone.

Everyone was ready for the rescue mission when Steve said "Natasha, what's your status? Status, Natasha." I ran to the guy I front of me and electrocuted his neck. "Hang on!" Then the next two people came and I knocked them out. "Engine room secure." I had another mission to do and I had to save as much intel on the ship that was there. I found an office that had the data that I was sent to find "Natasha, Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages. Natasha." I just ignored Steve because I had a mission at hand that I needed to finish.

Steve came crashing in through throwing Batroc on the ground knocking him out. "We'll, this is awkward." He looked at me like I was crazy before saying "What are doing?" I answered him "Backing up the hard drive. it's a good habit to get into." He turned around looking to see if Batroc was still unconscious. "Rumlow need your help. What the hell are you doing?" I went back to getting intel when he answered for me. "You're saving SHIELD intel."

I typed in more info and turned to him and said "Whatever I can get my hands on." He looked down and said "Our mission is to rescue hostages." I took out the drive "No, that's your mission and you've done it beautifully." He grabbed my arm "You just jeopardized this whole operation." I looked at him "I think that's overstating things." All of the sudden Batroc got up and threw a grenade and Steve blocked it. Before it blew up we ran and jumped into a room to protect us from the blast.

Once we got in we scooted back to the wall. "Ok. That one's on me." He just had his eyes closed and said "You're damn right." Then ran out of the room. I just rolled my eyes. I knew Steve couldn't keep grudges so I wouldn't have to worry about him the next day. These missions we getting harder and harder ,and something was about to happen. I could feel it.

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