Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I put in a song from CATWS. Just wanted you guys to hear it😂 I have a band concert tonight and I'm super excited! I play the trombone and it's awesome!
---------------------Steve's POV----------------------

Three shots through nick's chest. He fell to the ground and I pulled off to the side so he wouldn't get shot at again. Before I could try and get help he grabbed my arm ,and gave me the hard drive Natasha had downloaded information on. I took it as he was coughing "Don'" Before I could respond my front door was breaking down by a lady. I couldn't tell who at first. "Captain Rogers?" She said. "Captain, I'm agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D Special Service."

"Kate?" I asked her.

"I was assigned to protect you." Kate responded

"On whose order?" I asked.

"His." She kneeled down to his side and checked his pulse. She pulled out a Walkie Talkie and spoke through it saying "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMT's." Someone spoke asking "Do we have a 20 on the shooter?"

"Tell him I'm in pursuit. " I ran out busting through the window in to the other building. I got up ran seeing the shooter through the windows above. Finally I saw a window and jumped out busting out onto the other the building. When I got up and threw my shield at him. He caught it with one arm and slung it back at me. I caught it as the shield was thrown at my gut. As I looked up I saw he was gone and tried to follow him. But when I got to the edge I saw he was gone.
----------------Natasha's POV------------------
I got out of my car and ran into the hospital I opened the door and saw Maria another S.H.I.E.L.D agent and Steve.

"Is he going to make it?" I asked Steve.

"I don't know." he responded.

"Tell me about the shooter." I said.

"He's fast. Strong. Had a metal arm." Steve said. Maria came up to the window looking at Nick. "Ballistics?" I asked her. "Threes slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." she responded. "Soviet-made." I responded. "Yeah." she said. Nick's heart was racing the doctors brought out the defibrillator and started to make his heart start again.

I kept thinking don't do this to me Nick. Not realizing I was saying it out loud. They kept on trying and trying but it would work. He was gone and there was nothing I could do to bring him back. I tried to be brave. I wasn't that weak person again. Steve left going to the door. They let us see him before he was buried. Steve was against the door looking me and I was up by Nick's body.

Maria came up to Steve "I need to take him." Steve came up behind me and said "Natasha." I touched Nick's forehead and left the room. Steve came after me "Natasha!" I turned to face him and asked "Why was Fury in your apartment?"

"I don't know." He looked around. He was trying to lie. I could tell and it was getting on my nerves. Rumlow came up to him and said. "Cap, they want you back at S.H.I.E.L.D." He turned and said "Yeah give me a second." Meaning he wanted to talk to me. Rumlow ignored his comment saying "They want you now." Steve said "okay." He turned back to me before he could speak I told him "You're a terrible liar." I left him speechless.

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