Goggle's Story (Interlude)

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A/N: To all those Goggle fans! This is time for Goggle's back story!

Warning: Typos and auto corrects are always behind my back so... Please correct me of I'm wrong. This is a narrative take without dialogues so... any dialogue lovers, I'm sorry!

There was a time where Goggle had a pair of beautiful brown eyes and a blindingly bright smile. She used to be a bubbly, cheerful and loud girl who was always spot running around with the little Aman.

Then the accident happened. That accident not only took away one of her eyes, it also took away a part of her liveliness and innocence, causing her to grow up at a very young age.

Her only rock at that time was Aman. The same Aman who used to stand up to those who teased her regarding the glasses she wore, or the ones who made fun of her body. That very Aman who started to call her Goggle affectionately and not in a bad way, and also the only one who still used her real name whenever necessary. The only one who was brave enough to look into her eyes without the glasses. (Until Kartik came around)

Oh, there was a time when everyone used to tease her using her name too. Rajni was always misunderstood as Rajini and everyone started asking her whether she thought that she was that super star and all.

It's not to say that the rest of the family was not supportive of her and helped her around her disability. It's just that none of them ever put as much effort into her recovery like Aman did.

Now being this close to each other also meant that they knew about each other's secrets and their mood swings, even though it wasn't openly said out. They always supported each other, being each others rocks whenever someone tries to pull them down. They knew when the other one needed the silent comfort or silent words of encouragement.

This meant that Goggle always noticed how Aman behaved around boys, the usually quiet but animated boy used to become a shy and stammering mess around all those cute boys until he got used to them. She kept silent about it though, trusting Aman to tell her when he was ready.

What she didn't know was, even Aman had noticed somethings that she didn't know about herself at that time. He had seen the way Goggle subconsciously eyes some of the bubbly girls in their school. Or the way she oggles at the boys with beards or developing muscles. He sometimes used to tease her or try to set her up with some of them... but it seldom worked out as people ran away from her due to the black, thick glasses she wore.

She had nearly lost all hope about getting any dates and was nearing the stage of depression when she met him. Rahul wasn't the usual buffed up lean cut kind of a boy but still was good looking and had an amazing personality. It was kind of a love in first sight situation. But the fact she liked the most was, he loved her for who she was and not the way she looked. He was also the only one apart from Aman to use her real name.

But all good things come to an end, as usual. They were standing at the terrace of his house, talking about marriage and their future when he leaned in to kiss her and simultaneously took off her glasses. No one knows what happened next, everything was so sudden no one could comprehend anything until the loud thud of a body hitting the ground was heard.

Goggle froze, looking at the blood that started pooling around him and couldn't do anything but stand aside as he was rushed to the hospital. Through the shock, she could hear his parents blaming her, Aman trying to soothe her and she just broke down.

Rahul had later explained that the reaction was not due to him being scared of her eye. It was just the shock of seeing the extent of damage that the eye had taken. But they had to break it off due to the family blaming her and her own guilt at costing him a  leg.

From then on, she nearly vowed not to fall in love with anyone and started to close off. The family didn't notice the change initially but started to get worried when she started to lose weight and stopped talking.

It was Aman again who sat by her side, holding onto her as she sobbed badly, muttering about how fate is treating her cruelly and all the thoughts she had suppressed in her mind. He was the one who later on gave her some hope, something to hold on to, the only one who didn't treat her delicately like a fragile glass piece.

She started to cheer up more, started to gain some of her old personality back and she was the one who helped Aman in his escapades, treating his wounds when someone hit him due to the fact that he was gay, always giving him silent support just like he did for her.

Then came the time when he had to leave for his job and he rarely came home. She knew that he wasn't trying to ignore her or anything, she knew that it was the family who is hell bent on getting him married to a girl, but it still hurt when he rarely called her.

Then she had her own problems. Her family was desperate to get her married but no one was ready to marry her. She was nearly resigned to her fate when Kusum came in. Sunainaji was the one to introduce her as the one who she has chosen to marry Aman and she had a hard time to hold in her scoff at hearing this.

Aman, who was gay, was to marry this girl? She had initially disliked her for the way she always used to go around the family, asking things about Aman but... then she noticed the looks she had sent her way. Was she into her? She refused to believe it, not wanting to get her hopes up and waited her to make the first move, not that it ever came. Kusum always approached her to ask something about Aman and ran away blushing.

And then Shankar Tripathi had to find her a groom, wayy more older than her and she had no choice but to accept due to people forcing her. She was hoping that Aman would come to the wedding so that they can plan someway to break it (not that it was required) and was crushed when Aman said he wouldn't come.

But then, she saw him running upto the train that morning along with another man and then started her theory of why Aman hadn't contacted her family much, a theory that was confirmed when she saw them kissing in the public.

There was something to Kartik's personality that drew her in the first time they started talking. His pure love for Aman, the passion he showed, the underlying sadness he tried to hide, it just, she couldn't explain what was happening but... She felt like she had found someone other than Aman who will understand her, someone who likes her for who she is.

And this is what prompted her to take the horse to the station he moment Ashok had refused to marry her, her subconscious nagging her to check upon Kartik, warning her that he would end up doing something stupid. Oh, and how right she was!

A/N: Hope you all liked this one. Next up.... Aman's story guys! And last but not the least, it will be Kartik's turn. All comments and criticism are accepted and appreciated! Any prompts are welcome! (And don't worry, my next chapter for the one shots book is nearly done)

Thank you all for reading!

Rasnak signing off :) ;)


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