Chapter 1:

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Kiana Moore wasn't the typical sixteen year old, she was bounced around to many different foster homes and some even came with abusive foster parents, sometimes even abusive foster siblings too. They wasn't all bad though, she would often tell people when asking about the homes she had been in. Kiana had a lovely older couple who took her in when she was 6, she was with them until the elderly woman Joan had passed away, from then everything went down hill.

After being told by multiple people she wasn't loved, it's why you were given up she decided that she would now attempt to survive Chicago on her own and that's where she met Jones. Jones 2 years older than she was but he had his own place and took her in and made sure she was safe, Kiana found love in Jones when she didn't think she would ever find love anywhere.

Kiana learnt bits about her birth parents pretty young, she had a photograph of her birth mom and when she was 13 she found out where she worked.
She always wanted to pursue a search but every time she was reminded by the memories of the horrible words said to her in regards to them by previous people who had her.
"Your biological parents hate you" "You were their embarrassment" "Why do you think you are here in foster care. If they wanted to know you, they would of kept you" horrible words spoken by horrible people repeatedly playing in her head.

But would the news she just found out change her mind about finding them?

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