Interrogating Randou?

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'Of course I was just kidding.. 'I exclaim as I walk away from the guard as i look at him with a closed eye smile as he sighs in relief but his eyes depict how he's really feeling as I remove my ability on that guard while the others are still influenced by my ability.

'You did a huge mistake removing that ability from me! Die, You demon!' The guard exclaims as he takes aim towards me as I look at him with a nonchalant expression.

'y/n san, why don't you kill him already? Anyway i'll be glad to do the honours.' Chuuya kun suddenly exclaims as he touches the gun which the guard is holding towards me which causes the gun and the man to drop down due to chuuya's ability.

'You really are stupid.. To think you underestimated her immediately once she removed her ability' dazai exclaims as he sighs in exasperation.

'Ugh! You brats..! wait.. Your'e the sheep, Nakahara chuuya, So it was true that you fell into the port mafia's hands.' The guard exclaims with a accusing tone as he glares at chuuya while trying to hide his pain.

'Sheep?' I mutter outloud with a confused look.

'Don't get the wrong idea! You annoying prick!' Chuuya exclaims irritatedly as he stomps the guards face deeper into the ground as the guard grunts in pain.

'Good for you, Your'e amazing..'dazai exclaims in false excitement as he grabs the remote and starts to dial something.

'I can't believe your'e just standing there while me and y/n san are doing the job..'Chuuya exclaims with an annoyed tone as he glares at dazai.

'He was busy collecting the information from the remote which he swiped of from the guard' I explain to chuuya as he looks at me and nods. 

'But now The guy whom you just beat up  has some backup arriving.. ' dazai explains as chuuya looks at him with a deadpan look.

'You seriously didn't even understand why y/n san did that, she distracted him well enough and gave me an opportunity to swipe this remote from him while you were just using your brawn's rather than brains.'  Dazai says with a slight smirk which cause an irk to form on chuuya's forehead as he glares at him.

'Wow, he sure does have a lot of backup huh?' I exclaim as I point towards the extra guards who make their way towards us and surround all of us.

'Captain! Everyone, what happened to the rest of you?!' One of the guard exclaims with a worried look as me and chuuya  raise our  hand indicating it was because of us causing them to point the guns towards all three of us.

'You guys are really intent on dying on huh? want to join your captain?' chuuya exclaims with a taunting look as he smirks at he guys.

'SHOOT! that shrimp is the gravity manipulator Nakahara chuuya!' The guard exclaims in frustration as he orders his men as they start to fire at us, but the bullets immediately get deflected due to chuuya's ability.

 'did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm only fifteen years old, Im still growing!!' chuuya shouts in complete frustration as the bullets are immediately thrown back towards them as I look at the scene with widen eyes.

And soon some guys come and surround me and dazai  while chuuya's distracted with the others while dazai and me look at them with a bored expression on our faces.

'Ability: Rahoumon, devoured space!' I exclaim out loud as my ability creates a barrier causing the bullets to stop before reaching us.

'You..!, I thought your ability is only to stop your'e opponent from moving! how is that possible that you have two abilities?!' One of the guys who is still under the influence of my ability exclaims as the rest look at me with widen eyes.

Trapped  in the light novel ( Dazai  and Chuuya 15 years old) ?!Where stories live. Discover now