CHAPTER 11: Shaundra

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I've been here now for almost two weeks and already can't help but have cabin fever, not to mention finding it hard to avoid Clinten. Especially since he has had an attitude since the first day I arrived.

Luckily the rest of his guys have been nice to me and Nero and I have been talking to each other and honestly, he's real easy to talk to.

The thing that irritates me more is myself and getting jealous of all the girls that make out and hit on Clinten in front of me and him not pushing them away. So far, as far as I know at least, he hasn't slept with any of them but still, it hurts.

I keep reminding myself that I am the one who has pushed him away and what he does is none of my business but it's easier said then done.

Besides, clearly it's too late to do anything about it now anyways since he has already moved on.

Tonight there was a theme at one of the bars nearby and I like themed parties and wanted to go so badly, but of course, still being protected, so I couldn't and it irritated me.

I was feeling more like a prisoner than anything and was pissed at my dad for putting me in this position in the first place. Not to mention I'm upset with my brother because he agreed for us to come here.

I was sitting outside in the backyard since that's the only outside area I can go to while continuing to be watched an protected, I notice Karie comes walking out with a plate of a lot of food. Damn she gets hungry a lot.

"Don't judge." She says as she sits across from me and starts to take a drink from her water bottle before starting to eat.

"I'm not." I laugh a little bit.

"How ya feelin'?" She asks me.

"I'm okay I guess." I shrugged.

"Look, I'm not telling you what to do when I say this but you should know that your brother only agreed to do this because Clinten is the only one he trusts and is scared that he can't protect you by himself." She mentions.

"Yeah, I figured." I replied while trying to go back to reading. "It's just that I don't know how or why Clinten even came to the funeral. I mean, I know my brother and him used to be great friends and all but still." I tell her.

I next hear her let out a breath and hesitate a little before saying anything.

"Okay, I can't keep this from you anymore." She starts.

I set my Kindle down onto the table and look at her confused.

"About what?" I ask.

"Okay, hear me out before you get real upset, okay?' She asks with plead in her eyes.

"Okay...?" I reply.

"Well, there is a good reason as to why Clinten did what he did. He did it to protect you. And your brother he...." She says but I stop her while I begin putting things suddenly together.

"Oh my god. Please don't tell me he knew that this whole time Clinten was alive." I started to say and stopped after feeling a huge lump in my throat make it difficult to suddenly swallow and my heart began to drop to the bottom of my stomach.

"I'm sorry." She says with pain behind her eyes while I feel tears begin to fall down from mine.

"I don't believe this. He is no different. They both are no different than my father." I say out loud more to myself.

"Please just...." She starts to say but I get up and stomp inside the house and see my brother.

He starts to smile a little because I bet he thinks I am walking up to him to talk but I have something else in mind. So I stomp up and just as he says my name, I slap him really hard across the face.

He looks at me in shock while holding the side of his face I just smacked real hard.

"You asshole. You are no different than dad. From now on, you and Clinten, stay the hell away from me." I tell him through clenched teeth.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" He asks me while grabbing my hand and turning me to face him.

"You know damn well what you did! You betrayed me! You KNEW that Clinten was alive and you said nothing. You watched me scream and cry and suffer every single fucking day and night for a long time. And you said nothing." I finish because I am starting to fight back tears.

The guys who were in the living room with Dusty all looked in shock and also not looking at me as if they all knew too. I felt hurt and betrayed but also very disappointed and stupid.

I just turned and hurried up the stairs then slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it before walking towards my bed then laying down, crying hard into the pillow hating my life.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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