CHAPTER 13: Shaundra

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I swear he needs to mind his own damn business! I am NOT listening to him anymore and besides, he's the one that has been pissed off at me and giving me the cold shoulder mostly since the first day I got here.

I don't know if he's jealous or not but I like talking to Nero and everyone there because they listen to me and are cool. And since I am not speaking to neither my brother or Clinten, especially, after what they did, I am doing what I want.

Nero and I liked the movie and was talking about it afterwards as we went to the store and I got some feminine things that I would need by next week along with a few snacks and drinks also. Not to mention I had him stop by a department store so I could get some more things I needed such as more pairs of clothes.

While on our way back to the house, Nero began talking to me about Clinten.

"You know, Clinten is in love with you still. So you both need to figure something out." He mentions out of nowhere.

"There's nothing to figure out. I already pushed him away and clearly he has already moved on and given up from wanting to try and get back with me so..." I point out.

"Pff, please. You think he is enjoying hooking up or making out with girls? Okay look, despite the way he has been behaving, which is mostly cause he's jealous and thinks I am trying to get with you, he really doesn't want anyone else but you. And I know why you were pissed off at him, it was a shitty thing to do, but maybe you should hear him out and also make up with your brother." He suggests.

I sit the rest of the ride back home thinking about what he just told me and I agree that maybe I should hear him out and also let him know I want him back too. In fact, once I get back to the house, I will tell him.

By the time we had returned home though, as soon as we pulled up, the music was blaring, smoke from the barbecue grill out back was in the air, along with the laughter of drunks hanging out both inside and outside of the house.

This was annoying as hell. So we headed inside with my bags of clothes and the other stuff and I couldn't believe all the people here. I was surprised that most of them could fit in here as a matter of fact.

I told Nero thank you again for today and that I was going to hang up my clothes.

While getting ready to climb the stairs, I noticed leaning up against the wall was a girl, which I could tell she had no panties under her short ass skirt as Clinten had one of her legs lifted while rhey make out. So much for a second chance.

I'm done! I'm finished with him! So I went upstairs to hang up my clothes and then went back downstairs to have some fun too. I mean, I deserve it.

So the first thing I do is head towards the bucket of drinks and begin to drink several different kinds of liquor and right as soon as I feel a buzz, I then go and start to eat some of the food since I'm starving and know it will help me from not throwing up as I continue drinking.

Then I hear some guy ask me if I want to dance. I accept his offer and then we head out towards the crowd of people dancing in the living room and both him and I start dancing close to each other then out the corner of my eye, I notice Clinten is scowling at me and the guy.

I smile at him then turn to look at the guy and pull him closer in as we start making out. Within less than a minute it seemed, I felt him being pulled off of me.

"What the fuck bro!" The guy yells over the music at Clinten.

"Don't be touching what's mine!" Clinten snaps at the guy.

"What the hell ever dude, she came on to me." He says.

"Yeah right! Now get going!" Clinten shouts at him.

The guy seems like he doesn't want to get into it with Clinten which I can tell that hasn't changed. Clinten was always had that effect on people. Next Clinten turns his head and looks at me before taking my hand and pulling me fast along with him into his bedroom where he shuts and locks the door behind us before letting go of my hand.

"What the hell?!" I shout at him.

He doesn't say anything and is looking real pissed off right before stomping up to me and smashing his lips hard onto mine, bruising my lips and as much as I don't want to give in. I can't help but give in. His touch itself is too tempting and irresistible, so I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

Next chapter will be posted! :)

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