CHAPTER 23: Shaundra

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The Next Morning.....

Here we go! That's all I could think of when I woke up this morning.

Last night and what happened yesterday in general with me killing a person, I have no words. I don't feel much neither to be honest. I don't even think of me getting rid of him was the right thing to do. Who am I to judge? To take a life?

This morning after we woke up and ate breakfast, we waited to hear from Clinten's uncle. He mentioned he would be over here at the house but he isn't yet.

We have tried calling him but, he has yet to answer. Which makes me feel a bit uneasy to be honest.

We wait almost a couple of hours of him being late in calling and the next thing we hear is Clinten's cell phone going off.

He looks down at it and seems relieved then looks at all of us waiting and staring at him to answer as he mouths to us all that it's his uncle.

"My god man, I was getting worried...." Clinten started.

The next few moments of silence became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I don't even think any of us were breathing as we watched and listened to him talk to his uncle or whomever was on the phone.

We knew immediately it wasn't his uncle once we noticed him tighten his lips together and clench his face. He began also making fists with his hands and I knew who it was.

"Now you listen to me, I don't care what you thought was going to happen. But now, you just signed your death certificate. I swear on my family's life that you will beg for mercy before you suffer to your last breath." He starts threatening him.

"Babe?" I try and whisper but he next freezes and gets angrier before looking at me then replying to whatever Byron has said.

"I'll be there. But same rules apply to you." He says and then next thing he does is make us all jump as he throws his cell phone hard onto the couch and starts cracking his knuckles.

"What'd he say?" Nero asks.

"He said he wants his debt. My uncle is dead. He fucking killed him. So now he wants to meet me in three hours at the docks. It's an hour away and he wants it to be just me and him." He says.

"Well we know that's bullshit!" Dusty exclaims.

"Yeah, there's no way that can be true." I agree.

"I know. That's why I'm going to bring a couple of my dad's guys that are outside with me and..." He gets stopped as a knock at the door is heard.

Clinten next gestures to one of his guys to answer the door. So one of his guys approaches the door and everyone has their hands in their back pockets on their guns to prepare for just in case it's one of Byron's guys who have come and start a shootout.

Although once the door is opened, Clinten stands up and seems to know the person.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He asks the guy with a shocked look on his face.

"To help your dumb ass." The guy jokes.

Clinten walks up to the middle aged man and hugs him.

"Man I've missed you." Clinten tells the guy.

Meanwhile, we are all standing around looking at the two of them and nobody else either seems to know who this guy is.

"Uh, Clinten?" I ask.

"Oh sorry. Everyone, this was my dad's best friend since grade school. Always was a better man than my dad. In fact, I consider him like my dad. His name is Gerard." He introduces the guy.

The man has lots of tattoos and several piercings, has a bald head with a skull on fire on the top of it and has a big built-mostly muscular body shape. He looked intimidating.

"Look, your uncle told me what was happening. I just hear from his guys outside in what happened to him. I'm so sorry." He exclaimed.

"It's alright. But I have to meet his fucker in a few hours." Clinten explains to him.

"Alright well, before you do that, I have an idea in how we can take this fucker down." Gerard states.

No matter what it is, I'm not staying behind, I am going to go and help them.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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