CHAPTER 21: Shaundra

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We both seemed to have lost track of time as we laid on the couch in his office for hours when all of a sudden, we heard a knock on the door, it was Nero.

"Clinten! Shaundra! Get out here now!" He says.

We quickly get up and open the door and he doesn't tell us anything else, instead has us follow him towards the living room where we immediately notice a badly beaten young guy being held down in a chair by my brother and another one of Clinten's men, with the guy's hands zip tied behind him.

"What's going on"?" I asked worried.

"Jerrico!" I heard Clinten say through his clenched teeth.

"Hey Clint. Long time no see." The guy grins with blood dripping from his mouth.

"We found this fucker trying to sneek in through the side of the house through one of our exits." Nero says with a gun pointed at the guy.

"I just came to say him." Jerrico lies.

"What the hell were doing on my property?!" Clinten asks with anger.

"I just came by to let you know that Byron knows everything." The man laughs in a sinister way.

"What exactly does he know?" Clinten asks in curiousity.

"He knows all about your uncle and the deal some of your boys made with the FBI. I always knew you were a little bitch but, fuck!" He taunts.

Clinten doesn't say anything and instead walks up to him and punches the guy really hard as I notice blood flying out the guys mouth.

"You fucking asshole! You think I'm afraid of Byron and you?! I may have gotten out of the lifestyle but I swear I can still skin you alive and feed you to the fucking dogs." Clinten threatens him.

The words that were coming from Clinten were not from the new Clinten. It seems the 'old' Clinten has returned. Which terrifies me in a way.

"Where is your boss now?!" I ask in a demanding tone.

"Well look who it is. My god, you look so much like your father. You're even a little fat like he is." He chuckles.

Dusty and Clinten both start punching him a few times and yelling at the guy not to disrespect me.

"Wait!" I shout.

Both Clinten and my brother stop and look at me.

"What?" Clinten asks.

I walk up towards the guy and repeat my question.

"I'm not telling you." He grins.

I have had enough! I'm sick of all this bullshit! This lifestyle and everything that's comes with it and trying to take away MY new life. So I quickly grabbed the switchblade knife from my back pocket that I keep on me for protection ever since I found one a few days ago.

I quickly undo it, then jam it deep and hard into the guys knee and twist it.

The guy yells and screams in pain.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yells at me.

Everybody else meanwhile just stands around shocked and surprised looking at me. They have lead me to this moment.

"Look at me." I tell the guy ignoring everybody else.

The still yells in pain and looks away from me.

"I said fucking look at me you sick FUCK!" I demand more assertively now.

He finally looks at me.

"You are so fucking dead!" He says.

"According to what I can see, you're gonna bleed out and be dead very soon. Because you see that wound won't ever close. Something I learned from my dad. Not to mention the fact my brother will put a bullet through your fucking skull if you don't tell us where the hell your boss is." I demanded.

"FUCK YOU CUNT!" He spit blood at me.

He seems to think I'm still playing. So I grabbed a sharp kitchen knife that was on the counter there and jammed it right into his shoulder blade then twisted that as well and decided to also leave that in him.

"Tell me!" I shout.

"Alright alright!" He finally cries. "He's on his way here along with others. He'll be here in exactly two days." He says.

"Why is he coming here?!" I demanded.

He shakes his head and I slowly pull the knife out then get ready to stab him again in the chest this time, when he begs me to stop and I do.

"Fuck!" He cries loudly. "Your father had debt to pay but he couldn't, so instead, he fucking killed your dad. Then asked your brother and since he can't deliver neither cause of how much of a bitch he is, there's only one last thing he can take to pay off the debt." He grins in a sick and sadistic evil way.

He didn't have to tell me what he meant, I already knew.

He then began to ramble and shout out some disrespectful things some more and that's when I jammed the knife right into his chest and killed him instantly.

I then looked at my brother and ignored the blood dripping from my hands.

"After this is over, you will get out of this fucking life for good. Do you hear me?!" I tell Dusty and Clinten. "I'm tired of this bullshit and we need to end this all for good." I tell them both.

"Yes ma'am." They both said in unison.

"Good. Now get rid of him and clean this shit up. Then order some food because I'm hungry." I tell them and begin walking up the stairs to take a shower.

Once upstairs and after turning on the water in the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror and that's when it hit me. I was becoming my father and like my brother.

Oh my god, I just killed someone. Suddenly, I felt sick to my stomach and threw up in the toilet.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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