CHAPTER 25: Shaundra

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My brother and I along with a few other of Clinten's guys and some of the FBI agents his uncle sent to help protect us, were all sitting in the cars we had parked out of sight from Byron's eyes as Clinten, Nero and a few of his other guys, including Gerard went towards the docks just as Byron wanted.

We saw them all standing there talking about something but we of course couldn't hear a damn thing and quite frankly it was driving me crazy.

Things seemed to be going on good so far and for a little while began even thinking that maybe this could not go as terrible as we all had dreaded. I still had my doubts of course.

Many different scenarios played in my head in what all could happen. Maybe it was from all the movies I have seen that made me think of them or maybe just the fact that.....I stopped and almost screamed loudly but covered my mouth to silence myself as soon as I saw Gerard being shot right in the head as he stood next to Nero and Clinten.

I was shocked and in complete disbelief. It was something out of a movie. Then I snapped out of it and started looking for Nero and Clinten but didn't see them.

I wanted to help them and next thing I knew, Dusty and the agents who were all staying with me to help protect me were now quickly getting out of the van.

"Wait! I'm coming too!" I exclaimed and grabbed my gun but my brother stopped me.

"Stay here. Please. Promise me you'll stay right here." He begs.

"No, I'm coming to help." I tell him as I begin to head towards him.

"No!" He shouts at me. "Please for once, do as you are told. I know you're capable of helping us and shooting really good but, I need for you to be okay or else I will never forgive myself." He tells me.

"But what about you? I don't want anything to happen to you, Nero or Clinten knowing I could have done something to help." I start to tell him while fighting back tears.

He just looks apologetically at me and right before closing then locking the door and jamming the handles with I don't know what to make sure I didn't get out, then told me, "I love you sis."

"I love you too Dusty please don't leave me in here." I started to cry.

I was punching and kicking trying real hard to open the back doors but it was useless. The divider in the van that's between the front seat and back was steel and had only a small window to look out from.

I sat there for what felt like hours listening to the sounds of yelling and screaming as well as shooting in the distance all while feeling helpless and useless that filled me up with nothing but guilt.

I couldn't take it anymore and started kicking the doors again until finally something budged and I was able to kick open one of the doors.

Next I grabbed my gun and then began running towards everything but being cautious and careful in looking around and such.

I noticed a few dead bodies that consisted of mostly Byron's men but there were a few of Clinten's also.

It made me begin to panic a little but I was instantly relieved once I didn't see Nero's, Clinten's or my brother's body.

I did look over close to the docks near the water and noticed Gerard's body and immediately began tearing up.

I then noticed Clinten and and Dusty, they were all sitting on the ground with their backs up against a crate.

Clinten was wincing in pain and held his side then I noticed my brother was holding his left knee.

"Clinten..." I started to hear Byron coo.

Clinten looks behind him at Byron but then before he looks back at Dusty, he spots me.

He looks apologetic and yet also upset because I'm here, I'm sure. But clearly, they need my help and I'm not afraid. If anything, I'm real pissed off.

I quickly mouth that I love him and place the gun in the back of my pants then cover it with my shirt and next I stand up and notice when I do, that Clinten tries to stand up but Dusty stops him.

"Well look who we have here." Byron cos at me. "It's been a very long time since I've seen you last. My how you've grown, in more ways than one." He says.

"I don't know what you had with my father..." I began while walking towards the center and facing Byron with Dusty and Clinten several feet to my right still out of sight.

"Whatever it was, you already got your revenge by killing him." I say with disgust.

"As you did too by killing one of my men. Which your father would be proud at how you handled it." He states.

"He deserved it. My father on the other hand, didn't." I tell him.

"Aww and now you want to avenge your father and try to kill me?" He mocks.

"Not try...." I grinned in an evil way. "See that's the difference between you and me. I don't waste my time in talking too much. I prefer to get right to the point." I finished and then as soon as he reaches for his gun, I quickly pulled out mine and just shot several times.

Next thing I hear are cars pulling up behind me and it seems there are more agents with their guns drawn and tell me to drop the weapon.

I do while still looking at Byron's now lifeless dead body in a pool of his blood.

"Baby?" I hear and turn to see Clinten limping his way towards me while wincing and the same with my brother.

Nero came out from behind the bait store here limping all bloodied up towards us.

I had tears streaming down my face now but they were tears of joy and relief mostly.

It was all over finally. I didn't have to worry anymore. So I just hugged my brother and then both hugged and kissed Clinten before the paramedics showed up and got him and my brother as well as Neo after it took a while to convince him to go to the hospital (Mr. Tough Guy), all on gurney's then wheeled them to the ambulances.

I went with Clinten and the whole time was holding his hand and we looked at each other and that's when everything caught up to me. But knowing my brother, Nero and him were okay, was all I cared about.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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