CHAPTER 19: Shaundra

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It has now been a few days since I first found out about everything that happened that one night.

I know my father wasn't always the best but I can't help but also think about the good times we all had together.

Now that this guy is wanting to come after me though, it has me a little worried and scared. Everyday the more it sinks in, the scarier it gets.

Today, Dusty and I were dropping Karie off at the airport since she decided she wanted to go and visit her mother after what happened in losing the baby recently.

My heart went to her and Dusty and Dusty hated seeing her leave because he wanted to be with her and protect her still but she needed to see her mom. I tried telling him it was a girl thing and that there was always Skype. But I get it.

Once we returned back to the house, Dusty said he needed to be alone for right now so I went to go look for Clinten and I ended up finding him in the bedroom.

He was standing by the window and seemed to be on his cell phone talking with someone and didn't seem too happy.

I tried to turn around and head out the bedroom when he turns after hanging up the phone and quickly tries to put a smile and more calming look on his face while looking at me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "I didn't mean to interrupt or eavesdrop...." I began and he stopped me.

"No, you're fine. I was just talking to my Uncle." He mentions.

"Oh? How is he? I haven't seen him in a while." I tell him.

"Yeah, I know." He tells me but seems like he isn't telling me something.

"Well, what did he want?" I ask curiously.

He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out a breath before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"There's something I have to tell you that I didn't even tell your brother." He begins.

That meant something to me because for the most part, he always told my brother everything practically.

"Okay." I reply while going and sitting down next to him.

"My uncle is an agent for the FBI. Not too long after that night had happened, I uh, I made a deal with him. He's been wanting to take down Byron for years and had wanted me to get your dad as well. In fact, that night, I was supposed to take them both down but didn't. He had been asking me for years to help him and I didn't because..." He stops himself.

"Because what?" I ask.

"Because I fell for you. Despite how bad I hated your father, I couldn't take him from you. I didn't want to be that guy that took your father away. You have no idea Shaundra, how long I have been in love with you. It took me a long time to gather the courage up to ask you out. Then you gave me a chance." He gets all choked up.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach as I began thinking what he just said. I am touched at the fact that he didn't hurt my dad that night but am shocked at knowing he was working with the FBI and am especially surprised that his uncle works for the FBI.

"Can I ask you something?" I start.

"Of course." He says.

"Did you use me and my brother?" I ask him.

Right then and there he looked right into my eyes finally and what I saw in them was very real and broke my heart a little. I have never seen him cry.

"No. You guys were never part of the plan. My uncle told me not to get too close and to focus and take them both down then my club and some of the guys could get off with a lot less charges and possibly a clean record." He confesses.

"Oh my god." I say in shock under my breath.

"That's why I had to make you believe that I died. It was supposed to keep you and your brother both safe and now, looks like it didn't work." He finishes. "My uncle thinks you guys could have..." He stops himself and looks away from me.

"Could have what?" I asked.

"Could have known something, anything about Byron."

"Wait, I'm confused, I thought you just told me that you weren't using my brother and I?" I asked.

"Well, yes....and no." He says.

This can't be happening. He has been using us the whole time? How should I react? What's the right reaction to all of this?

We finally find each other again and then he tells me this. How could I have been so stupid to believe this was real?

"Listen to me baby..." He starts to say and turned my head so I can look into his eyes.

"No." I find myself saying as I fight back tears and try to ignore the pain while standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Wait please!" He begs from behind me.

"Stay the hell away from me!" I turn around and let the tears fall down. "Why wouldn't you tell me all of this? Why would you even go through with all of this if you really do care about me?" I asked.

"I swear, I know that it sounds bad but I promise you that I was just telling my uncle you guys don't know much about his whereabouts or anything." He says as he grabs my face and tries to kiss me but I slap him on the side of his face and quickly turn around to walk out and this time, he doesn't come after me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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