the fourth floor, part one

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"i said i know where i want to go," stated ruby.

"fine, if you wanna get hurt or be stubborn, go along then," snapped ree, shoving her stepsister into one of the rooms on floor four.

it was an empty building with white tiled walls and metal railings on the staircases. 

her friend shahira who joined her into her room scanned the scene before her. 

"is this a mental hospital?"

ruby stared blankly into the weeb's face, then back in front of her to carry on walking.

"dude, i know what mental hospitals look like," shouted shahira, who started running after her friend. 

"are you trying to tell me that the place i've always wished i could visit for no damn reason all this time was a fucking mental hospital?" asked ruby.

"hey, i'm not gonna judge you, besides, i'm here with you anyways, which means i wanted to be in the same place," smiled shahira, pulling ruby forward with her through the shiny halls with the blue tinge of light illuminating the entire floor.

ward one seemed normal, so did two, three, four, five,
but once she walked past number six, something drew her towards the door handle.

her eyes flashed a white colour for about a second, and with a dead expression, she opened the door slowly, then took a few steps in.

"ruby, wh-what are you-?" choked shahira, backing away from the ward slightly.

"oh, why don't you come and join me?" offered ruby, with her white-washed eyes and eerie expression.

"of course!" said the younger girl quickly, rushing in behind ruby, even though she was terrified of what happened to the queen.

"this is where it ends,"

and all the lights of the hospital switched off at once.

"bye bye!" sang ruby, stumbling towards her younger friend with a knife now in her hand.

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