Mammas Lille Gutt

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[Heyo, it's your least favorite thot, Ari.

Oh my God I finally finished this thank the Lord's this shit is lagging- too many words

Uh, I suck at making people verbally fight over relationship shit so this was supposed to be practice and ended up being 7,790 words which is my longest work yet. Also, I wanted to introduce Tord's ma, her name is Toya and she loves her son a shit load ok.

I didn't really get to proofread all that much but tell me if you see any mistakes, especially in the Norwegian text- Google Translate and Grammarly hate my guts. I was trying a semi-new writing style with this but it didn't really work, my next few works might be a bit wonky due to that.

I can't remember if I used this picture already or not but who honestly cares anymore and the other fucking pictures refuse to load for whatever reason.

Warning; Uh this isn't really angst but they do fight so that's cool-

Paring: TomTord and EddMatt]

"I honestly don't know why I even considered dating you! You're a jackass and blame me for every little hiccup that happens!"

Screaming at his boyfriend, he was breathing heavily as he tried to keep tears from falling. He didn't need to cry. He took a shaky breath as he brought hands up to his face, wiping his eyes before any tears could even surface.

"You know I didn't mean to make you upset, that wasn't my intention and I apologized so many times, I'm sick of it!

Not giving him any room to talk as he advanced towards the shorter male, he was shouting at him as he pointed at his chest. He didn't dare jab him with his finger as much as he wanted to because he wasn't in the mood for a physical fight starting. He already knew that Edd and Matt were disturbed with their argument in the room over if they weren't already used to it.

"I just had to do something, you saw the way they were looking at you and talking to you! I'm sorry if I'm selfish, I'm sorry if I want you all to myself, I'm sorry if I'm jealous and I know that you're your own person. But when you gave me that promise ring you said that we were together, we were one. I love you so much and I shared my heart with you, we shared our hearts together- I couldn't sit by and let them try to intrude on what we had- I'm sorry if I overreacted and if I'm overreacting right now but I can't take it anymore. I can't take this anymore. I can't take you anymore. We need a break Thomas, don't bother trying to say anything because if you do I swear it will be a lot more than just a break."

Wiping at his face and trying to stop the tears that were now falling down his face, silent sobs racked his body. He watched as the other took a step forward and reached out to him, trying to calm him down and speak to him but only closing his mouth. He just nodded softly and he stepped back, lowering his head in shame as he listened to the sobs that came from his lover. He felt awful, knowing that he had caused the tears to form and roll, it was all his fault for overreacting.

All he could do was watch as the Norsk walked out of the room, silently closing the door behind him. He heard his footsteps down the hall before he was stopped by Edd and Matt, the two trying to calm him down. They embraced him as he sobbed, they had heard everything and they understood not to say anything, just comfort him. This wasn't this first fight, they had their fair share of blowups but they normally got over it.

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