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[Heyo thots, it's your least favorite thot, Ari.

This is something I wrote out of nowhere on my new phone and I decided that I might as well post it. It's not long or anything, I said that I wouldn't be doing nothing during this quarantine and I meant it. Anyway, take this

Also, I'll have to proofread this later, I'm too lazy right now.

Warnings; None

Paring; None]

Humans could easily be described as very complex machines yet their minds are so simple. They've taken over the world, the only places they've left untouched are the deepest parts of the ocean and the coldest parts of the poles. They're everywhere doing everything, they've improved life for themselves to the highest altitude possible. They've ruined the world around them and all their attempts to save them have been futile, they've messed up too bad to fix it now.

New technology everywhere, you can talk to people from across the globe in your house, well, that's if you have one. Some people aren't as fortunate as others and are left behind in the dust, everything is a race between everyone. Everyone is striving to accomplish something, reach the next goal, and be the best, be better than they were before. If you can't keep up too bad, everyone always has to be moving, sharks, everyone has to keep striving. If you don't accomplish something then you're not important and everyone wants to be important.

You see people every day and you don't know what is going on in their mind at that exact moment. Everyone has thoughts, everyone has ideas, everyone has something to say, though it's rare that they get to express themselves. People want to be important for their ideas and what they've accomplished, they want to live in the glory of being known. People want to be remembered, everyone leaves someday, it depends on your actions if your known or forgotten. Good or bad, everyone can be good or bad, everyone can be remembered for good or bad things. You can do good or bad things, you can be a good or bad person, you can get treated good or bad after you're gone.

Everyone is someone, and sometimes that someone just doesn't matter. The person you pass on the street, the people you see every day may not matter to you. They're not important until they make themselves important, they're not memorable until they make themselves memorable. People want to matter, people want to have value, people want you to know them, they wanna be important, they wanna be memorable. Fame, people wanna have fame because fame means that people know you, but some people are infamous. Good and bad, people can be good and bad for reasons that they may not able to understand.

Do you wanna be memorable?

Of course, you do, it's in your nature as one of them, you want people to know you for who you are. You want people to know what you can do, you wanna show off your skills, your talents, you wanna be important.

Good, or bad?

Infamous or famous?

It's all up to you, your actions decide what people see you as, your thoughts, your ideas, they're all you. Be you, and you'll see which path you'll go down, keep moving, keep striving, and you'll reach your goal.

After all,

You're human

Aren't you?

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