Morning Hugs

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[Heyo, it's your least favorite thot, Ari.

I know I should have updated like last week but my internet was in and out and the one-shot I was working on wasn't done yet. So to fix this I started to write a one-shot that would cover for the lack of updates, it was supposed to be short and sweet, but this ended up being 6600 plus words.

Yeah, I'm not good at anything I do. Besides that, this is supposed to be set in the same universe as Bedtime Kisses, hence the name of the chapter. There are a few things changed around though but you can say that these two connect.

This is about as close to smut I think I'll get and that's only because they mention it a good bit but don't go into detail. Also, about their relationship, I swear that it's healthy and they love one another very much despite the insults. Ps. They're both switches ;)

Now let's start this because my Wattpad is slow as all hell right now- oh my lord it crashed for a second

Warnings; Mentions of smut, basically the morning after, insults and bad language.

Paring; TomTord]

Sunlight peeked through the window, shining down on the blue carpet of the room. It was early morning, the sun just rising and starting its day along with many people in London. It didn't seem to be too bad of a day weather-wise, for once it was clear, only slightly chilly, and looked like a day filled with promise.

Of course, he couldn't have that.

Groaning softly as he rubbed an eye and mumbled something in his native language, he wanted to take the sun and make it disappear forever. He was never really a morning person no matter how many times he woke up early to get what he needed to do done. His red eyes were dazed over with tiredness, he was wearing his gray pajamas and rocking his messy caramel hair. He looked like he got hit by a bus whenever he woke up.

Disregarding that fact, he got up anyway without trying to wake his boyfriend. Speaking of the little shit, he was still sleeping soundly next to him in the bed, hugging a pillow now that he had gotten up. He was in his pajamas as well, drool coming from his mouth as he mumbled something in his sleep, his hair was messy as well and he looked all-around lazy. That fucking gremlin.

His boyfriend was lucky he was a heavy sleeper, he hated the fact that the smallest sound could wake him up and the fact that his body was trained to wake up early. He didn't exactly know what time it was but it was definitely too early, maybe around 5 in the morning or so. He cursed again under his breath as he slowly stood up from the bed, his legs wobbling as pain settled in his legs and lower back.


Trying not to fall back on the bed like an imbecile, he grabbed the nightstand as his legs shook under him. He let out a hiss in pain at the aching, fuck, he was starting to regret last night more and more by the second. It had been a while since they had done that especially with him in the position that he was in and now he had to deal with the consequences. It was definitely fun though, but the pain afterward was a pain in the ass.


Looking back down at his oh so loving and sleeping boyfriend, he wondered if anyone would notice if he choked him right now. That would be a wonderful way to wake up, the person you love on top of you, hands wrapped around your neck with a vengeance in their eyes. It would be a quick death too, he wouldn't make him suffer too much, just take him out really quick and easy.

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