Just For Show

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[Heyo, it's your least favorite thot, Ari.

Whoa, two posts in one day? And both of them are one-shots? Never seen nor heard before from Rainbows but here we are!

Indeed we are here, I've been lacking content for a while now, honestly, I'm just pulling stuff from my memos and deciding to upload it because you guys are starving with quarantine.

Here, take yet another post with Tord as one of the main characters. This was once again written for @sussshiz_ninks and is based on the #Undresscharater challenge that was floating around the Eddsworld fandom on Insta. They did it with their RL and I made it into a crappy little oneshot just because!

Look you guys cannot even begin to process how much I love RL so don't judge me for this and don't judge me for any future posts with him.

Warnings; An undressing RL, that's it.

Paring; None]

"Let's welcome our star guest for tonight, Red Leader!"

Walking out onto the stage, there was loud applause from the crowd that was there for the show that he had been invited to go on. After taking a quick glance at the crowd he came to the conclusion that it was mostly teenage girls with their moms that took them to the show. Now, he didn't really know why he was here but he was invited onto this live show or whatever for an interview, normally he wouldn't go but the army said he needed to get out anyway. He was very uncomfortable and indecisive on the whole thing, he just showed up in his full uniform and ready to be pestered.

Taking a seat across from the female that sat there with a mic, she smiled at him as the crowd calmed themselves down, all he did was spare them a sharp tooth grin and they went crazy again. He mentally rolled his eyes, God, the people he ruled over were thirsty as hell, they must have learned from the best. He crossed his legs, in his combat heeled boots because it was apart of his uniform and he couldn't go anywhere without them on.

"How are you tonight Red Leader? We're so glad you could make it!"

Casting his only working eye over to the person who seemed to be the host of the talk show, he hummed softly before he spoke. He used his sweet and smooth voice, they already seemed to be fascinated with him from all the cheering that he heard when he walked in and smiled. It was almost like he was Tord again, he looked as if he was human once more but that was long gone.

"Thank you for having me, I'm rather excited right now, although a bit nervous."

Act as if you have emotions and then you'll seem more relatable and then more people will like you is something that he learned a long time ago. He had to have relatable emotions and then they would like him more because he seemed more human but he was actually kinda nervous. The army didn't tell him jack shit before they got here, they just told him that he was going to be interviewed on a live TV talk show and that was basically it. He was about to find out what he was about to do though and he was about to decide whether or not he needed to murder the entire army when he got back.

"Well, would you be up for a little challenge?"

That perked his interest, he seemed to get more physically involved, fixing his posture in the chair and placing his hands on his knees while they were intertwined. The grin that he had before was resparked as there was a shine through his stormy silverish gray eye, God he was like a child. It wasn't his fault that any mention of a challenge got him excited, he was really competitive so he wouldn't pass up the chance of one. He was sure that he could take anything, so he glanced at the audience who seemed to be excited before back at the host of the show.

"Best Friends Forever!"~Eddsworld OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant