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[Heyo, it's your least favorite thot, otherwise known as Ari

Today since I honestly can't think while I'm in this quarantine, we're going to have some bloopers of the guys doing random shit cause I have too many fucking ideas for them.

These are all not going to be like in the same universe but a lot of them will properly just be related. Don't take any of this seriously. This will probably include headcanons and hints at stuff that you guys will probably not understand a bit.

Some of them will be in script style if not all of them because this is supposed to be bloopers, what do you expect.

Anyways, no warnings and no pairings for this one.

Let's get into the video]

Interviewer: So how did you and your boyfriend, Tord, meet?

Edd: Oh we were in high school and I was hanging out with my friends, Tom and Matt, he walked up to me and said "nice hoes" and I fell in love with him soon after.

Interviewer: Wh-


Edd: Switches have nice asses! I mean like have you seen Tord's?

Matt & Tom: *grumbles of agreement* I mean yeah he's right he does have a nice ass

Tord: uwu


Tom and Tord sit at the table, the brit looking puzzled as the Norsk sat across from him in his pajamas with hickeys on his neck

Tom: So you're fucking yourself?

Tord: Well technically myself is fucking me if we wanna be literal


Matt: TODD! Please stop harassing my boyfriend!

Tord: He said he had no gag reflex! I just needed to check!


Edd: *performing CPR on Tom*


The gang is in college-

Edd: Tord what the hell is wrong with you, you have a fucking child bro.

Tord: Look, Edd, I am too high right now and too fucking drunk to understand a word that you just said so I'm going to kindly ask you to please let me drown in my hot pockets.


Still in college

Tom: Whoa bro, cool promise ring, I didn't know you could hold down a relationship for more than three days.

Tord: Oh no, we broke up, I kept the ring cause it was cool, I knocked her up and left.

Matt: Something is seriously wrong with you dude.


Tom is on Instagram live and one of his followers ask who has the biggest dick out of the four of them while in the car-

Tord: it's obviously m-

Edd: Matt. It's fucking Matt.

Tom: How do you know?

Edd: Just take my word on it.

Matt: *winks*


Tom, on Instagram live once more

Tom: Hey guys, watch this!

Tom turns around, seemingly in the kitchen before screaming out into the living room-

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