Chapter 2

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You stalked to the back of the classroom, dumping your stuff on one of the desks in the back corner. You absolutely did not want to be here. You would have skipped if it wasn't a lesson directly in the middle of the day. It would have been awfully too suspicious to have taken off in the middle of the day, even if you didn't return later. There was a limit to how much you could sneak around, pushing it too much and you'd suddenly find yourself neck deep in trouble.

But you did have to admit, the temptation to just stand up and walk out of the class was awfully powerful. You'd had a fitful night. Your sister and your parents had gotten into a particularly heated argument and had spent a majority of the night screaming at each other at the top of their lungs. By the time they had stopped to finally go to sleep themselves, the sun had nearly risen. It made it a tad difficult for you to find the peace to fall asleep as well. But what made it hardest to find sleep wasn't the noise but instead the guilt that hung over your shoulders like a wet blanket.

You were the sole reason your sister and parents were fighting all night long.

That afternoon after you and Liliana had that little spat, you were positively seeing red, and your better judgment had gone out the window, the desire for justice becoming an unstoppable force. You did something you couldn't believe you'd actually done the next morning.

In a fit of rage, you'd sat down at your desk and woven perhaps the most horrible lie of your life. You'd ripped a piece of paper out of one of your school books and picked up a pen to angrily scribble out everything about your sister's secrets. In that letter you mentioned every little detail about Lilian and Lottie's real relationship. But at the end of it all you signed it with a random name, so that when your parents went to check the mail a little later, they would be absolutely clueless to the fact that it was you who wrote the fateful letter.

When your mother finally found it right before dinner, it was like a volcanic eruption in your front hall. Your mother screamed, in a way you'd never heard before, shouting for your sister to come down and answer for the ridiculous note that had been left for them. Of course your sister denied it all, claiming it was a prank from some stupid kid or something. But your parents didn't believe it for a second. There were too many details, too many things made sense. The debate went on long into the night.

It was when you first heard your sisters choked sobs as she begged your parents not to believe that cursed letter that you felt the guilt slap you in the face. It was when your parents threatened to disown your sister that you felt regret settle itself deep in your core. It hadn't budged since.

There was now a gaping hole that had been ripped in the middle of your family and you were the cause of it all. Your terrible, terrible decision born from split second hate because of a petty argument had ruined something that would never again be fixed. And nobody knew you'd done it but you. It was these exact thoughts that swirled around your mind all night, restricting you from proper rest, and those thoughts which followed you relentlessly, absolutely ruining your day to come.

There seemed to be no conceivable way to try and correct your wrongs either. If you confessed that it was you that conducted that letter, then not only would both you sister and your parents hate you, but it was too late to change what your parents now knew. There was no taking back what had been found out, no way their memory could be wiped just to restore the peace.

Your lessons passed by you in a blur, a flurry of information that went in one ear and out the other. Your limbs felt heavy and sluggish and your head was aching from the lack of sleep you'd gotten. But you trudged on. It was better than being at home you guessed. The tension in the house this morning when you left for school was so taught that you knew one wrong word from any of you would have caused a majorly explosive reaction.

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