Chapter 3

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This was it, this is what you had been looking for this entire time. You'd been passing right by every single time you rode up and down this stupid beach, and it was just sitting there, the open door like a taunt.

You would have bolted into the place if it hadn't been so creepy. It was most obviously a bad idea to walk in there, looking like something straight out of a serial killer's dream, but you had just spent so much of your time and energy looking for this, that you weren't about to let it get wasted now. Clutching your phone to your chest, you walked over to the building.

Getting closer it became clear that this must have been an old bait shop, or something of the like. All products had been cleared out long ago but there were still faded signs hung up in the windows declaring buckets of chum on sale for half price. The door was splintered horrifically, and so you opted for awkwardly sliding into the shop to keep from having to touch it. It's likely you would have walked away with more than just a splinter if you did. The whole place smelt horrible, like dusty, old fish, making you crumple up your nose in disgust. There were still a few massive shelves scattered around the place, obscuring your view of the entirety of the shop.

You didn't want to stray too far from the door, lest you walk directly into the arms of a murderer, so you did the only logical thing you could think of.

"Hello?" You called out into the shop, your voice quiet and shaky with fear. Silence was your only response. You tried again, urging your voice to sound confident and strong even if you didn't feel it yourself. "Hello? Is anyone here?" You cried out, projecting your voice as much as you could. This time an answer came, a massive crash coming from the back of the store, making you screech back in response. This in turn made whoever it was back there scream as well. "Who's there?" You called again, though you had one hand behind you, ready to push open the door and bolt for your freedom at any moment.

There was some soft scuttling coming from what you assumed was a back room to the shop, precisely where the crash had come from. A few seconds later a figure emerged from the darkness. You nearly dropped to your knees in relief when a boy emerged. He was around your age, and wearing the same school uniform. You recognised him, his name was Jisung, and he was the brother to the guy you saw in the shop just the day before.

He had dust streaking his uniform in various places, and a fine mist of it was coating his dark hair, which was mussed and falling in his eyes anyway. His eyes were wide, pupils shaking as he scanned you up and down, just as you were doing to him. To see that standing before you wasn't a horrific murderer, but instead a scrawny teenage boy brought relief crashing through you in a tidal wave. But it was short lived when you realised why he was here.

"You!" You shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at his. You thought it impossible, but his eyes widened even further, and he threw his hands up in defense. "Are you the one that put the stupid note in my locker?" You took a step towards him, the fear rushing out of your body to be replaced by anger instead.

Jisung opened and closed his mouth in confusion for a few seconds, clearly trying to think of what to say. "You got a note too?" He finally said softly. You dropped your hand at his words. Now you were confused.

"What?" You raised an eyebrow in his direction. He slowly reached a hand into his pocket, and when he retracted it he was holding a small yellow piece of paper, all too familiar to you. He cautiously leant over to hand it to you. You unfurled the paper, and indeed, written in the same bright green ink was the exact message you had found on your own note.

"I-I found it in my locker this morning. Me and my friends used to come and hang around here a few years back so I knew it was this place almost instantly." Jisung explained carefully, body still taught like he thought you were going to explode in anger at any second.

Face The Truth - Han Jisung x Reader (Fae AU)Where stories live. Discover now