The Railroad

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[(y/n) pov]

I walk with Nate and John to look for the Railroad. But the talk of Synths being capture or leave the Institute. I may be part of the Brotherhood but I have been alone for 10 years from them and I can't call those who look more like us "It". Well have my human side but in a Deathclaw. I want to see what I can do to help Nate need all the help he can get. I see the same line with a number pointing two a word. I start to thinking it could be a password. I may know what it is. "Here it is." Nate said It look like a church. "Well I think we got some talking to do." John said "Agree." I said We enter the church to see it look collapsed. "Shh... Do you hear that?" I ask we start to hear moans of ghouls. "Let's do this." John said Some of the ghouls were dead and some were not. We enter down the catacombs under the church. "Hey look at this." John said "Follow the Freedom trail." Nate said I start to think of what it is asking for then I remember seeing marks on the grown. "I believe it is asking for a password." I said "Well what is the password?" John ask "Hmm let's try. Now when Doctor Amari said 'Follow the freedom trail' as if I know you should never have your password be your username. Some of the words in this have can be made to say well Railroad." I said putting it in. *Click* "Well that some good eyes (y/n)." John said "Thank you. After you Nate." I said We enter in to see it dark. "Now!" Someone said I see light turn on hurting my eyes "Holy shit... Is that a Deathclaw?" someone said "Are the Brotherhood of steel making pet Deathclaws now?" Someone said "*Grrr*" I growled I hate being called a 'pet' "Take it easy (y/n) we need their help." John whisperer "Who the hell are you? And what do you want?" She ask "Are you the leader of the Railroad?" Nate ask "Yes. It's clear you're not with the Institute. But who told you how to contact us?" She ask "Doctor Amari told me how to find you." Nate said " Very interesting. But who are you?" She ask "I followed the Freedom Trail looking for the Railroad. I'm not your enemy." Nate said "If that's true, you have nothing to fear. I'm Desdemona, and I'm the leader of the Railroad. And you..." Desdemona was cut off by someone "You're having a party. What gives with my invitation?" He said "Deacon, where've you been?" Desdemona ask "Wow. News flash, boss, this guy is kind of a big deal out there." Deacon said " Do we know each other?" Nate ask " I didn't need to meet you to hear about you. You've made waves, pal. But I think we met each other before." Deacon said pointing at me. " So you're vouching for him?" Desdemona ask "Yes. Trust me, he's someone we want on our side." Deacon "That changes thing. I don't know what, if anything, you've heard out there about us." Desdemona said " What you're asking for puts us in a tricky position." Nate said "Dez, we need to let him in. He's got an intact Courser Chip, for god's sake." Deacon said "That violates our security protocols." Desdemona said "To hell with that. He killed a Courser. There's no way he's working for the Institute." Deacon said "We're letting you into our headquarters. You're the first outsider ever to be given this privilege. We'll discuss the details about your chip inside." Desdemona said "Alright. (y/n) can you wait out here?" Nate ask I nod "Nice. Come on Handcock." Nate said "Right behind you." John said I see them leave to go see Desdemona. "So hello their (y/n). I believe we met before?" Deacon said holding his hand out I shake it. "Come on I know you talk." Deacon said "Have we met?" I ask "We have you know. Eva?" Deacon said "Eva..." I said with my head down, "Wait what wrong?" Deacon ask "She is dead..." I said "Oh crap. I'm sorry... I did not know (y/n). She was a great trader." Deacon said "Who are those two?" I ask "Oh yea. This is Glory and Drummer Boy." Deacon said "How do you do?" I ask "Well hello (y/n)." Drummer said "Not talking to the enemy." Glory said "Glory show some respect. Hmm sad to see that not many people see like you do. If I remember you show equality to Ghouls, Robots ,Super mutants ,and Synths?" Deacon ask "Yes I do. My father told me before he pass away." I said "I'm sorry to hear that." Drummer said "Say do you like to work with us?" Deacon ask "I can do my best to help but you need to help us first." I said "Deal. Not BOS work right?" Deacon said "No it's Nate but I think Preston would like you guy's to help." I said "Hmm we will work on that." Deacon said "Well I never met John do you know him?" I ask "Hell yea he is good people. Why first time meeting him?" Deacon ask "Yea me and Eva don't go to the city for good reason why." I said "Yea this city has got worse by the year. Hell maybe a week all they care about is murder the good when they can't stop hurting the weak. I will tell you this one day they will shut the mouth when the time is right." Deacon said "I hate that peaces can never be settled. Not even for one day. I just wish we can stop but it can't be done." I said "Agree to that. You know I my talk to Preston. But hey will you be there?" Deacon ask "Yes I will." I said "Alright!" Deacon said "So are we buddy's now?" Nate ask "Hell yea say can I ride your back?" Deacon ask "I guess why not." I said "Awesome! I always wanted to try." Deacon said

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