Ignoring ~Part 8~

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The next day, I woke up in a mess. My hair in a messy bun. Mascara all over my face. And my laptop on the side of my bed. What happened last night? Was all I could think. I got up, headed to the bathroom. After that, I got a bath bomb and put it in the water while I got off the mascara smeared on my face. When I've gotten ready, I went to the kitchen and made some yoghurt for my breakfast. I ate while watching YouTube videos. The best was probably Tyler's video with Troye. After eating I put the cereal bowl into the sink, got food out for the guinea pigs, Pippin and Percy. Then, I got my bag and left to go and visit my friend, Gabby. Doesn't live far from here too. I just didn't want to see Alfie today. While walking on the road side, I got my phone out and checked on Instagram, Twitter and tumblr. I then suddenly got a text from Alfie saying 'Hey! Beth came to visit. And I promised her I'll bring her shopping. Sorry, but I can't really hang out with you. Bye!' Xxx. Urgj. I didn't really care though. I mean I didn't want to see him. I then reached, Gabby's apartment. I made my way to the door. Then I knocked and a sleepy Gabby answered the door. "Hey!!" She greeted me. "Why up so early. I went to the club last night but I'm sober now so don't worry" she said. "Gabby! You promised today's girls day out!" I scolded her. "Sorry, I forgot. But I have a headache!" She said, feeling guilty. "Ok fine you rest today and we'll go for girls day out tomorrow ok!" I said. "Fine. Bye!" She said before closing the door. I got out from the apartment ready to go home. I had to past a road to do it. I looked left and right and saw no car. Suddenly, all I could remember is me taken to a hospital. And everything went black.

•~To BeContinued~•
A/N: Thanksforvotingguys! Ihopeyouenjoythischapter. Sorryifit'sacliffhanger. I'llupdateassoonasIcan. IfanyofyouwantanimagineofYoutubers, Bandsmembersoranything, just message andI'lldoit. Bye!
~Arie :)

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