Chapter two

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Learn to pronounce


adjective: beautiful

pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

"beautiful poetry"

"It's beautiful, omega."

As Rose lays me down on our bed, I get back up and start gathering her clothes from her drawer, including her hoodies. I recognised it as nesting. She looked at the alarm clock, and sighed.

"I gotta go to the store with your dad, okay?" She said. I shake my head. "We're going to bring you back some food. You want chicken nuggets?" I nod eagerly. She comes up and kisses my cheek. She walked out the door. I immediately missed my Alpha, and I wanted to call out for her, but I wanted to be a good Omega. I start getting to work on my nest, hunger biting at my stomach. Once I finished, I sat in my nest, waiting for my Alpha.

I sat there for hours. I finally went to my mom and dad's room, fighting back a sob. I find Mom playing with Camryn. He looks up and tells Cam to go play with her aunt Bev.

"Where are they? I-It's been hours!" I say, trying not to show emotion. He looks in my eyes.

"They're getting ready to come home. Just a few more minutes." Mom replied. I sigh.

"I've been telling myself that for the past three hours!" I yell. He puts his hands on my shoulder as I break down. We walked over to the bed, sitting down on it.

"I know, I know. Do you want to talk to Bill about it?" I nod. I hear the door open, and I perk up. I looked at Mom, and he kissed my cheek. "Go get your Alpha, hon." I scrambled down the stairs to greet my Alpha. I saw Rose, and I jumped her, almost literally. I hug her, just as tight as when she had her rut.

"Don't leave me again." I say into her neck. She sighs.

"I'm sorry, Omega." She whispers. She pulls me off her. "We got some stuff for you." I smile as she picks me up, (I'm underweight, even for an Omega. I'm 92 lbs. Omegas are 100 lbs at the minimum.) grabs some bags, and a bottle of water, and starts climbing the stairs to our room.

"What'd you get me?" I said as she put me down. She laughs and pulls a box out of one of the bags.

"I got you a new curling iron, some makeup, and a new dress." I gasp and take the curling iron box.

"I've always wanted this brand! Thank you!" I say, "But, where's the dress?" I ask, confused. I hear yelling outside.

"Eddie, she's not wearing the fucking dress! She's too young!" Followed by a "She's seventeen! She's gone through enough, and she's going to wear it even if it kills me!" I sigh and walk out.

"Could you not fight for 30 seconds?" I lean against the doorway. "Now, what's going on?" They sigh.

"Richie's giving me crap because of the dress I got you." Mom sighed. I looked at him.

"Well then, let's see it. I'll decide, I'm old enough to make my own decisions." I said. We all walk to their room to see a two piece dress on the bed. (Picture is at the top)

"Holy shit!" I say. "Holy fuck this is cute!"

"Language! Jesus fuck." Dad said, making me laugh.

"Well, what are you waiting for, go try it on!" I ran to my room and put on the dress. I looked in the mirror, and I could faintly see my ribs. I grab a pair of nude heels and put them on before going out the door.

"What do you think?" I ask, twirling. Rose comes in.

"It's beautiful, Omega." She says, kissing my neck softly. I notice Mom tearing up.

"Mom, no, you'll make me cry, and then everyone's gonna cry." I say, wiping his tears. "Well, not dad, he doesn't have emotions." I walked away with the bag full of makeup and shit.

I sped through my makeup. It looked hella good though. Then for the hair, I just lightly curled it. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat.

Applying lip gloss, and then putting some heels on, I realized I looked like a princess. I walked out. "Okay, but, what is this for?" I asked, confused on what's going on, I see Rose is in a white romper.

"Your mom decided to have a photoshoot for us." She says. I hear the door open, only to reveal Bill. Rose must not realize it, because she lets out a growl. I look at her. I was confused but we laughed it off.

"Sorry, Bill." She says. He laughs and tells up it's okay, and we were going to the cemetery for it.


As we walked into the cemetery, I walked over to my brother's grave. He died last year, because he asked my parents why they kicked me out. He was supposed to be 21 today. I bend down and touch the grass, it still looked fresh. I take a deep, shaky, breath. 

"You fucker," I laugh.  "Couldn't even get a 4.0 GPA." 

As we did the photoshoot, I realized how lucky I was to have a new family.

One that loved me no matter what.


Wow, that was a long chapter! I just wanna tell yall I love you all!

Word count: 9

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