Chapter five or something

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I lost count how many chapters oop-


I woke up with a jolt. I see Rose in the corner.

"Rose, Rose wake up." She sat up and walked to me.

"Oh, I thought you died. Wanna know something?" I nod. "We're having two, they're okay." I sighed, happy that they're okay.

"Wait, two? I have to give birth to two fucking children?" She laughed and nodded. "Damn, sorry vagina." We burst out laughing, and the door opened, and the doctor walked in.

"Hey, Lili, how are you feeling?" She asks. I shrug.

"I mean, I got stabbed, so glad I got that off my bucket list. I'd say good." She chuckled.

"So do you know how many you're having?" I nod. "They're perfectly healthy. You should be fully healed by about midnight, so then you can go. But no food or drink till then, okay?" I laugh and nod. She walks out as my Mom and Dad come in.

"Hey, how are you?" Dad asked as he kissed my head. I shrug. "It still hurt?" I nod.

"The doctor said she could be out at midnight." Rose said. "If she doesn't do anything stupid." I glare at her. "What? It was a joke."

"I'm trying not to laugh, because I know if I do, I'll probably tear my stitches." I say smiling. "What time is it?" I want food. I want Chinese food.

"Like 11PM, you died on the table twice." Eddie said, and I shrug. "Why?"

"I want Chinese food." I said, and Dad came back with "Same."


As we drive home, I have my head in the crook of Rose's neck.

"Remember like two years ago? When we just met? I had presented early and my biological dam kicked me out. I went to the home Bev was running, and somehow we ended up in the hospital, and we shared our first kiss here not four hours later." I whisper, playing with her dark, short hair. She smiled and kissed my shoulder. "If someone asked me if I wanted a litter, I would have said hell no. I was scared of everything. Not anymore. Now I'm just scared of needles." I could feel her smile.

"You're cute. Are we going to tell them how many we have?" She whispered the last sentence quietly, but Bev's big-ass eardrums heard us.

"What? How many do you have?" She turned around.

"Just one. Don't go on about it." I say. She shrugged and turned back around.

"I remember when you first moved in, you would apologize about everything." I nod, and she sighs. The car pulls in. Rose gets out, and helps me out. We walk in, and cool air hits me.

"Where's Bill?" I ask, wanting everyone in the pack in here.

"Hey, Billiam! Get down here!" Ben calls. Bill comes down the stairs with Stan and Mike, one of the triplets in each of their arms.

"You might need to sit down for this." They all sat down at my command. "Okay, so Rose and I found out today, we're having twins." The reaction from Beverly was priceless.

"I fucking knew it! You trick-ass liar!" She hugs me, and everyone in the pack joined in. Stan had a sad smile on his face. Male Beta's couldn't bare children. I still feel the pain for him.

"Okay, can you guys get off? I want to go to bed." They start peeling off, while Bev stays on me. "That means you too, Bev." She pouts and goes over to Ben. Rose is already walking up the stairs, and I'm right behind her.

As we reach our room, I notice a slight pain. Like a cramp. Rose gives me a look. "Braxton Hicks, doctor said it'd be bad." I take off my clothes, while Rose does the same thing. She lays in bed with me on top of her.

"This might be the last time we have skin to skin. They're growing fast." I said, her playing with my hair. Most female pregnancies were only 6 months.

"Only two weeks and we can see what the genders are." She replied. We sat in silence for awhile. A couple tears run down my face. "What's wrong, baby?" She asks, sitting up. I straddle her.

"I'm scared." I said, as if that explained everything.

"Can you tell me what you're scared of?" I sigh and bury my nose in the crook of her neck.

"Everything. Everything that's going on right now, that just happened, and what is going to happen. I'm fucking terrified. I don't know how Eddie did it." I rambled, and she chuckled. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"Eddie was a fucking hypochondriac during his pregnancy, but he didnt want to show it in front of you, because you'd be even more terrified than him. See? And he's still scared now, but not of anything but your safety, we all are. Especially Bill. It's his job as pack leader to keep us all safe and in line. If we didnt have him, Richie and Eddie would still be fucking." She said, making me let out a small 'Ew'. "What I'm saying is, we are also scared, because you're so fragile and small. I don't mean it in an offensive way, but we just want to protect you, from things like what happened this morning. It's because we love you, and I don't think you understood it until when you found out you were pregnant, when Bill let you keep them. If he didnt love you, he would have said no." I give her a kiss.

"I love you so much." She said, and turned off the light.

"I love you too. Can you sing to me?" I ask.

"Of course, come here." She held me like a baby, a popular trend in this house.

Rose's POV

I loved it when she asked me to sing for her.

"When the north wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memories.

Sleep, my darling, safe and sound

For in this river all is found.

In her waters, deep and true

Lay the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear

And in her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found." [If you recognize it, it's my favorite song. If you don't, it's called All is Found from Frozen 2.] I sang to her in a soft, reassuring tone. I look in the doorway and see Bill. He's smiling. I lay her back down and finally go to sleep.

Please don't let this kill her.


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