Chapter 6

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Lili's about four months pregnant now. (The last part IS AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE. I wrote this on april 1st, 2020.)

I woke up with a need for Chick-fil-a. But they're closed, so I'll just bake cookies. So, I got up, went to the bathroom and shit, and ran downstairs as quietly as possible. I got basic necessities to make cookies, and started baking. at around my fifth batch, Stan came downstairs. I put the batch in the oven.

"Uh oh, you're binge baking again. What's wrong?" He asked. I sigh and start another batch.

"Nothing." I lied. He sat at the table.  I felt a braxton hick and leaned my head against the counter.

"You sure?" He asks. I shake my head and turn the oven off. "Tell me what's wrong. I'll listen."

"Chick-fil-a's closed, and their cookie's are the best, an my blood pressure feels so low!" I explain.

"Give me your hand." He says. I give him a confused look, but hold my right hand out. He looks at my fingers.

"Might be Anemia. Eat some cookies, that might help." I give him a panicked look. When Mom was pregnant with the twins, he had anemia, not enough blood for himself and the litter. "We don't know that yet! Fuck." He said.


Turns out I didn't have anemia. I just wasn't getting enough food. Fun, right?


Bev and I were the only ones in the house, and we were bored to the extreme. I felt a kick.

"Bev, come here. One of them kicked." She put her hand on my stomach, and one of them kicked again.

"Oh my gosh! You're going to make a great dam Lili. We're so proud of you, especially Eddie." She gave me a sad smile. "I wish I was able to carry a litter." I put my hand atop hers.

"Maybe one day, Bevvie." I got an Idea. "Wanna watch Frozen 2 for the sixth time this week? I call Elsa!"

"Fuck! I wanted Elsa. But okay." we turn on the movie.

Within The first song, we were crackheads.

Then I heard the notes.

"ThiS IS mY SonGGGG" I said. the first verse was good, then it got to tHAT PART.

"Into the unknoooown!" I sang, hitting the high note. We look at each other. "Holy shit! didn't know I could sing." The door bursts open. They must have dropped the triplets and Rose off at Richie's mom's house.

"Did you lie to us?" Bill was the first to speak. "About your so called 'brother'?" 

"What are you talking about? I don't have a-" Shit. "I never said I had a brother."

"Yes, you did." Ben spoke up. "You talked about him all the time."

"Someone asked us how your son was doing." Bill growled. I shrunk back. I didn't want them to know the truth about my past. I couldn't have them know.

"I-I don't have a son." I stuttered. It was Eddie who stepped forward next, Lifting a hand and gently placing it on my cheek. I backed away, afraid he was going to hit me.

"Sweetheart, you can talk to us. We won't tell Rose." He said softly. I shake my head.

"I can't tell you anything, and I don't have to." I said, running up the stairs.


I watch Lili run up the stairs.

"What the fuck just happened?" I ask angrily.

"She had a fucking son, Bev. And I'm going to go talk to her about it." Richie shot back, trying to push past me, but was held back by everyone.

"How about Ben? I vote Ben." Mike said, and everyone agreed.

"Fine. The things I do for this pack." He sighed.


I go up the stairs and to Lili and Rose's room. I knock on the door.

"Lili? It's just me, hon." She opens the door to reveal her tear-stained face.

"What?" She asked angrily.

"We need to talk. And I promise I'm not recording shit." She seemed to buy it. Secretly I was on call with Bill, who was on speaker and muted, ad my phone was In my back pocket.

"I was about 13, two years before I presented, and I was in a toxic relationship. With a seventeen year old. He thought I was sixteen, because I looked mature. One day, he told me he wanted to have sex, and I was scared of what he would do If I were to say no, plus I was a virgin, so I willingly said yes. We did it, and the next morning, I'm taking a pregnancy test, and I'm pregnant. Ten months later, I had a beautiful baby boy, named Carson. My father killed him as soon as I got home." She whispered the last sentence, and I pulled her into a hug. "I didn't want to tell them because I thought they would hurt me.

"Bitch, you're seventeen and pregnant with twins. Do we look like-" I cut myself off with a laugh. she laughed too. "But seriously, we should go tell them." The door slammed open, it was Eddie.

"I'm sorry, I tried to stop them, I tried." He rambled.

"What do you-" I start.

"They know, I'm sorry." I grow curious, so I walk downstairs to an angry pack.

"I'm sensing some anger here, so I'll just-" I walk to the kitchen, but a hand grabs me and turns me around.

"You lied to us? Why the fuck would you do that?" Richie asked. I look down. "Well?"

"I thought you would hurt me, I'm sorry" I say. 

"It doesn't matter, we don't keep secrets! You know that!" Bill said. I didn't look him in the eye. "Look at me." He growled, and I had to bare my neck. I had to submit.

"Please don't tell Rose." I whispered.


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