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Mike and I walked to a park that was closer to the hospital.

"You know, I've never actually stopped to take a walk or anything in this park. I see it but I never get to appreciate how beautiful it really is." I said as I looked at all the flowers.

"I've never had anyone to walk through this park with me. If I come here, it's alone, just to think." Mike said to me.

"How lonely." I said with a laugh.

"But on a serious note, I want to tell you something." Mike started.

"Can I say something first?" I asked.

"Yeah." Mike said.

"Wait... I can't yet, you first."

I was nervous. In a park, alone with Mike wanting to tell him how I feel. How do I approach that, I wondered as Mike drew in his breath and ran his hand through his luscious black hair.

"I shouldn't be saying this... at least not now, but I can't just not say it anymore." Mike said and bit his lips, clearly being nervous.

I held his hand and encouraged him to continue talking.

"I really like you, Hannah and you just lost your mom and I don't want to..." He was stuttering and I cut him off with a kiss to calm his nerves.

"I like you too Dr. Mike." I said with a smile. "And my mom, I'm glad to at least spend her last days with her. That's closure some people never get, but I did. I'm going to bury my mom and give her the best going away service."

Mike hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, holding my hands as we walked back to the hospital.

The ICU was quiet for the rest of the evening and I went to Mike's office. My sister was there along with my aunts.

"So doctor I will not agree to donating my mother's organs. That's one, two send her body to Crestwood Funeral Home and Cremation Services." My sister was saying.

When I walked in, she turned to look at me.

"Hannah." She said.

"Sara, mom would want to donate her organs."

My aunts turned to me. I knew why. They too knew that mom would want to donate her organs.

One of my aunts, Penelope spoke up "Sara Lance, I really think we should donate her organs, if you're mother could say it right now, she would agree to do it."

"I'm actually thinking that this whole thing is ridiculous, Sara, but I'm willing to compromise. Pick any two organs to donate then. The choice is yours." I said and folded my arms.

"Wow. I mean, the fact that you'd make a compromise. I'm really sorry Hannah for everything I said this morning and that slap yesterday. I just... I was."

"I know." I said to my sister and hugged her as she started to cry.

Mike mouthed a thank you to me.

My sister can be a handful, and mouthful, if you ask me, but no matter what, she'll always be my sister and we are grieving together.

My pager started to beep, ruining the moment with my sister.

"Sorry guys but I gotta run." I said and waved goodbye before running off to the ICU.

Someone's lungs had collapsed.

"Start chest compressions!" The head nurse ordered and another was doing it.

"Pause compressions." I ordered and got a bag valve mask to resuscitate my patient. A woman who was waiting on a compatible donor for a new lung thanks to years of smoking.

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