Hold Up

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The next morning I woke up to Sara shrieking loudly. Mike got up with me and to the living room to see Sara in the corner, a black box with two dead fishes inside.

I hugged Sara and Mike asked us what was happening. I then told Sara that if she doesn't want to let him know then I'll tell him myself.

"Our dad has been following me around." I said, getting straight to the point.

"He was at the diner yesterday, that I know, you're telling me he was still in the area?" Mike said, he was flaring, but his anger wasn't directed towards me.

He clenched his fingers tightly, his nose flaring.

"Hold on a diddly darn minute before you go and do something wreckless and stupid." Sara said to him as he kissed my cheek and was about to leave.

He stopped in his tracks and listened to Sara.

"I know you really like H and I believe those strong arms want to protect her and everything, but if you poke the bear who knows what's going to happen?"

"I don't know, this." I spoke up and picked up the paper from last night that I threw in a corner.
Sara took the paper from me and read the message on it.

"Most dearest daughter..." She scoffed at that and continued. "If you and your sister don't hear me out I will kill the both of you and feed you to some Russian lions, I'm sure your boyfriend has them as pets somewhere."

"Well do you Mike, have pet lions somewhere?" Sara joked trying to lighten the mood.

"No. Your dad has been trying to stereotype me since the day he showed up and he could never be more wrong about Russian people." Mike said.

"It's just the politics now, it's making people stereotype Russians without even bothering to learn about that person. You're too much of a baby to be a tough Russian." Sara said to him and I laughed.

"Well he's my baby Russian." I said and snuggled into his chest.

My phone then rang so I picked it up and it was the doctor who was looking after Zayn overnight.

"Mr. Malik has been asking for you since he woke up this morning. It was kinda getting annoying so I called you."

"Okay, I'll be there soon, my shift's starting in an hour."

The doctor hung up the phone and I turned to Sara and Mike.

"So... what's the plan to deal with our dad?" I asked.

"Well you're my little sister, you keep forgetting that sometimes." Sara said as she ran her hands through her hair before looking at me again.

"And I'm an adult, you keep forgetting that sometimes..."

She rolled her eyes playfully before talking again.

"Well to keep you safe, since he chose you to stalk, I will get some bodyguards for you if Mike can't be there."

"What, Sara I'm not Whitney. I don't need bodyguards, that's extreme."

"Besides, our shifts are identical." Mike added.

Sara put her hands on her hips and looked at us both. I was trying my puppy eyes on her even though they never work, but it's worth a shot.

"Those stupid puppy eyes worked on mom not me, you know that H."

"Worth a shot." I winked at her before skipping off to take a shower.

Mike's POV

"So your shifts are like the same time?" Sara asked and I said sometimes.

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