Got Ya

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Mike's POV

"We're here now." Ava said to me as I started to panic again. She was squeezing Sara's hands for reassurance.

I can't say that I can be reassured at this point. I really need Hannah right now, I need to see her, to touch her, to kiss her, to know if she's still alive.

Ava was still holding onto Sara's hands as she was giving her agents orders and breaking them up into teams, she put me on a team with two agents and took Sara on her team. A bullet proof vest was handed to me and I put it on.

We walked through a large area of mostly abandoned and dilapidated buildings. I grew up in Staten Island and I had no idea a place like this existed. I followed behind the agents as they searched every empty space and knocked on every door, while I was showing photos of Hannah and asking people if they've seen her.

"Agents come in, can you read me?" it was coming from one of their walkie talkies, and it was Ava's voice.

The agent picked up and answered.

"I think we found something. An abandoned building with its door bolted, there's a single window with curtains there. That's suspicious enough."

Ava then told the agent where and we met up with the rest of the teams.

"While we go in I need you to stay right here." Ava said to me and I looked at Sara who was pleading with Ava to let me go in with them.

"That's bullshit, I'm coming with you guys. I need to make sure she's in there and that she's okay." I said. "There's no way I would just stand on the outside of this building knowing that there's a chance that Hannah is in there."

Ava looked annoyed with me, but she took out a handgun and handed it to me.

"Try not to shoot any of us, I gave Sara training already so she's fine."

"I can shoot, my dad thought me." I said to her and one agent placed something on the door and told us to step back. The door was busted off in seconds and we all walked inside the building. The area we were in was empty and I broke away from the team and climbed up the stairs. My breathing was heavy as I held the gun out in front of me. I really want Hannah right now, I need to find her, touch her, kiss her and make her feel safe.

I walked into every room and searched. No sign of my Hannah, until I turned up to another staircase and heard voices.

So how much will she be worth? I immediately picked up on a Russian accent and lowered my breath to listen.

So Hannah's still alive if these guys are talking like that. I was relieved to know that, but then how much will she be worth? Are they planning to sell her kidneys or even worse, her entire body?

"Hannah is quite the catch as you can see on these videos, she's really good at driving your Russian folks crazy in the sack." It was now her dad's voice.

They were watching me and her the entire time and my stomach plummeted, they were planning to sell her for sex. I calmed myself down as my breaths were now getting shaky and I was startled by a movement behind me, but it was just Sara, who had also broken away from the other teams.

"She's in there with your dad and someone else."

Sara closed her eyes and took deep breaths, holding onto her gun tightly.

"We got this." she whispered and nodded her head at me. I nodded back after realising what the plan was.

We kicked the door in and held our guns out at the two men in front of us.

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