Story of My Life

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I had a patient consultation day today and I was happy to get back to work.

Mike was due for CNN in the morning and I woke up to a note and breakfast in bed.

I'm only great at French toast and waffles, I hope you like it. I had to leave for CNN and you looked so cute I didn't want to wake you.

I smiled at the edible arrangement of waffles cut accurately into hearts, with a single red rose placed on the side of the plate.

I ate the waffles and sipped on the green tea slowly and after finishing, I washed the dishes and took a shower.

I wore burgundy scrubs, gathered up some nuts and grabbed my keys before leaving.

On the way to work I turned on some music in my car. Today it's the album LP1, Liam Payne's album.

My phone then rang and I connected it to my car's Bluetooth before answering.

When Mike's voice and his face cut through I smiled.

"Hey baby boo, did you like breakfast?" He asked and I couldn't help but to giggle a bit.


"I can't help but think about your concern for your cooking... or lack thereof."

"Eh. You're the pro chef, I'm actually done here, so I'll see you at work soon." He said and he started showing me the studio as he walked into his car.

"Please don't let a spider scare you into a crash." I said and he laughed.

"I'm a bit stuck in traffic, even though I left early." I said with a pout.

"We can talk while we're driving... or you can probably look out your window." He said with a heartwarming laugh.

I looked out and there he was in the traffic beside me in his car.

I rolled down my window and he did the same.

"It's nice to see you out here babe!" He said and I laughed as he ran his hands through his hair and tried to look cool.

He had his hands on the wheel and flipped his hair, even though the length of his hair was not possible for him to flip it.

I laughed at his corkiness and imitated his weird dance moves that he was doing in his car.

By the time the traffic started moving again we kept our cars in each other's sights until we pulled into the parking lot at work. When we got out of our cars, he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

I went to my office, and gathered up the tools I needed for my day. My day started unfortunate as nurse Lahmers was working with me for the day.

"Have you seen your 'man' on TV this morning?"

Can I erase her out of my life? I wondered as I put my stethoscope around my neck and called in the first patient.

"Dr. Lance!" My patient exclaimed.

She was a young woman who recently had a heart transplant. Her name was Alaia Simone. She gave me a hug.

"Alaia." I greeted and hug her back.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked her and motioned for her to sit.

"Well, I went on a date and I think I nailed it!"

"Is it the guy you told me about before your surgery?" I asked as I gently wrapped the sphygmomanometer around her arm to test her blood pressure.

She nodded as the pressure in the cuff increased.

"Nurse Lahmers, can you check her pressure while I write up the prescription?" I asked as nicely as I could, even though I know I might get a snarky remark.

I closed my eyes and waited for it, but there was none.

"Her blood pressure is 100/70."

I opened my eyes and saw Mike standing in his suit with a smile on his face as he watched me work.

"Okay Alaia, I'm going to now test your heart rate." I said and Alaia smiled.

"I think my date went well." She then said as I placed the stethoscope on her chest.

"Did he..." I started and looked at Mike with a smile. "... find every chance to hold your hand, or brush it against yours? or tried to steal a kiss?"

"Yeah." Alaia said and her cheeks turned red as she continued to talk about the guy.

"You are recovering well so I've prescribed the same medication as before, but at a lower dosage."

"Thank you Dr. Lance." Alaia said and gave me a hug after I gave her the prescription.

"Someone is here that I'm sure you don't want to see." Mike then said.

I scrunched my eyebrows together in wonder and Mike held my hand, bringing me out to the lobby and showed me my dad in the waiting area, casually sitting down and reading a medical magazine.

"Babe... I'm just going to..." I said and pointed towards my office and walking backwards.

"I'll just go back to my meeting."


"I'll tell you about it on our lunch break."

I continued to attend to my regular patients and my last patient before my lunch break was new. A young man who had registered on our hospital's website to see me.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lance. What brings you here today?" I asked.

"You had five stars on your review so I thought I would come and talk to you. I'm actually not here for a checkup or anything."

"So... If not for a checkup, why are you here?" I asked politely.

"I have a blog on the internet where I try to help people with the little med school knowledge I have and I just recently started a YouTube channel and I was hoping you could explain something to my subscribers for me."

I pushed my hair back and spoke "You went through great lengths to ask that favour though... I mean you could have called my office number on the website."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know if it was the hospital or yours."

"It's okay." I said and another doctor walked into my room to take over on my lunch break.

I exchanged phone numbers with the young man who introduced himself as Austin Colbert and told him that I'll let him know when I can help him with his video.

"New friend?" Mike asked when we met up.

"I don't know yet."

"Anyway, your dad is still here. He won't leave." Mike then said with a sad face.

"Of bloody course!"

Mike held me back as he realised I was about to storm over to the waiting area.

"Let's just walk through the ED."

I breathed in and out slowly, calming myself down and put my hand in Mike's.

If my dad follows me around, he's got another thing coming.

We walked to our now regular lunch break place together, Olivia's Diner, the little vegan restaurant around the corner from the hospital.

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