Double Day Off

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Morning Netflix and chill was something I never knew I would experience. Ever.

There's med school, residency and the actual job itself. But now...

"Mike!" I screamed and clawed at his skin.

"Damn, baby boo." He said and we both cummed again and again and again.

"I have the day off today." Mike announced.

"You do. I do too!" I said excitedly.

My phone then rang and I picked it up, my sister's voice cutting through.

"I came by your apartment today, Hannah and, well, you aren't there so I'm just wondering."

"Oh, um, I stayed with a friend for the night." I lied.

"You don't have friends sis." My sister said with a hearty chuckle.

"Wait..." She continued "... Is this about that real life Dr. McDreamy? Mom's doctor?"

"Nope, no comment. Anything else?"

"Oh... It is him. Anyway I wanted to check up on you and tell you that we were going to start preparing for mom's funeral, also, dad called. Something about why didn't we tell him about mom."

"Why? He has a wife and a whole new family and he's gonna ask why we didn't tell him about mom? He didn't care about us, so why now?" I asked Sara.

"I don't know sis, and that does seem off. We grew up with him, except that it was a part time job, only showing up when he felt like it." Sara replied.

"The fact that you're on the phone with me right now... You have the day off don't you?" She continued.

"Yeah, I do... I'm going to spend the day with... Mike." I whispered into the phone, pure excitement running through my veins.

"I really think you should do that, you deserve it. Mom could tell that he likes you for so long and was wondering if you two doctors were going to stay blind the whole time. Mom and I even betted on it, if she was..." Sara said and choked back some tears "... still alive, I would have to pay her some big bucks."

I wiped the tears that were streaming down my face and Mike hugged me, grabbing some tissue and dabbing my eyes with it to dry my tears
"So, um, maybe tomorrow for her preparation?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, I'll be at my apartment tomorrow, just meet me there." I said to her before hanging up the phone.

"You guys made up?" Mike asked and I nodded in response.

He kissed my neck, but we were interrupted by Bear, who barked to get our attention then picked up his leash.

"Let's go walk this bad boy." Mike said and I put Bear's leash around his neck.

Mike and I walked Bear along Times Square through to Central Park. We ran along the shoreline with Bear, taking some pictures along the way.

When we cooled down at a park bench , Mike held my hand and smiled, Bear still playing around us.

"Later we're going to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. Maybe we head on to... Nope that'll be a secret." Mike said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"I love that museum, I used to go there all the time as a kid. It was my happy place with all the science and astronomy stuff... and I'm rambling aren't I?"

"No, you're cute while rambling anyway." Mike said and grabbed my hand.

We raced back to his apartment but Bear was faster, he ran ahead of us and scratched at Mike's door.

When we got there, Mike opened the door and Bear ran inside and onto the couch.

"He ran all this way for the couch?" I said with a laugh.

Bear barked at me and I ruffled his fur.

"I have an idea for your next YouTube video." I said with a smirk on my cheeky face while walking my fingers on Mike's large biceps.

"What is it?" He asked, without hesitation.

My smile grew wider and I burst out into laughter while really clicking the idea in my head, although, his viewers wanted to learn about that anyway. I checked the comments under one of his recent videos.

"It's just, another medical thing that we learnt in med school..."

"C'mon you're making me anxious." Mike said with a pout.

"How can I say no to your face?" I teased and pinched his cheeks.

"Tell me." Mike said and brought his face closer to mine.

"Sex education... but just, medical as usual." I said and Mike hugged me.

"That's one hell of a topic. I was lost on something unexpected to deliver to my subscribers. Thank you so much." He said and kissed me, spinning me around the room.

"My videographer, Dan, he can come in and we can both do this... together, us..." Mike said getting excited.

"When?" I asked, getting excited as well.

"What about now, we can draft something right now and pair that with our knowledge and our jokes." Mike said.

"Jokes. I can come up with jokes and knowledge spot-on and you can too, let's see if we can do this freestyle. Let's go."

An hour later, I met Dan Owens. The guy behind the production of Doctor Mike. I held up an eggplant, while Mike held up a peach.

"To live a longer life, studies show that you should have more sex... PEEWOOP!" Mike and I said at the same time.

"Welcome to another episode of the Wednesday checkup, I'm doctor Mike and this is my girlfriend Doctor Hannah Lance. Today we will be talking about sexual health." Mike said.

I recognized the 'girlfriend' and blushed on camera.

"So your sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing in relation to sexuality. The two, or more parties involved if that's how you roll requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships." I started.

"What I believe Dr. Lance is saying is that healthy sex is pleasurable and safe, right?" Mike asked, his eyes piercing into mine.

All I could think about now was just how unsafe we were in regards to a condom last night and this morning.

"Yeah." I replied, maintaining my composure.

"Sex shouldn't be something that you feel like you're forced to do... It should be really, really good and be a shared effort. For example, if Mike was to take off his shirt right now, I'd have to want to see him naked too, that's a part of the effort."

"It's all in the beginning of the moment... Oh hey Bear!" Mike started as soon as Bear sat on the couch between us.

Mike started to pat Bear while continuing to talk.

"It's called foreplay. The female system is sensitive, especially the clitoris, which is why my advice is to focus on that part of a female whenever you get in the sack."

We continued the video, making some jokes along the way while teaching Mike's subscribers at the same time.

When we wrapped up, Dan stayed for a bit to edit the video then sent it off to me and Mike.

"Mike took to Instagram to show a snippet of the video to let his followers know.

"We have a first video together!" Mike said excitedly and hugged me tightly.

Dan left immediately after.

"I guess the space museum isn't happening... At least not right now." I said as I locked lips with Mike.

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