Nice to Meet you Sir

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I sat in the car with Mike for ten minutes. Trying to get my grip together, I was very nervous about meeting his dad, so much that my hands started to sweat.

Mike grabbed my hands and kissed them.

"My dad is a great guy, don't worry. He's going to love you." Mike assured me.

I nodded my head and we both got out of the car. Mike's dad was sitting on the porch with a husky and Bear ran towards the other dog.

Mike hugged his dad and pulled me closer to him.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend Hannah." He introduced me.

"Oh, hi there. You're so beautiful, come inside, let's go." He said.

"The nephews are gonna love you." Mr. Varshavski continued.

"They're here?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." His dad answered.

When we got inside, three boys were playing Apex Legends on Xbox.

"Hannah, these are the nephews Steven, Ari and Daniel, Steven and Daniel are twins, aged 14, Ari is 11." Mike introduced.

The three of them shut down the game and got up to look at me.

"This is her?" Steven asked Mike and I looked at him questioningly.

"Uncle Mike showed me a picture of you two months ago and..."

"Steven." Mike said and Steven laughed at Mike's reaction.

Mike's dad walked into the living room, joining in the conversation.

"Mike here kept talking about this girl, that was you my dear. One day he showed me a picture of you and the way he talked about you, I knew that you meant something real to him." His dad said and I smiled.

"Mike didn't tell me he was coming so I didn't cook anything." His dad said.

"That's okay sir." I said politely.

Mike showed me around the house and his childhood and teenage photos.

Mike hated his teenage photos and I reminded him that those are the awkward years when we think our pictures look great.

He showed me his teenage bedroom, which the boys sleep in when they stay with his dad.

Daniel was more than willing to interrupt and grabbed my hand, showing me the cool games he and his brothers play and some more of Mike's embarrassing photos stashed away in a box.

So..." Daniel said nervously.

I smiled at him and his cheeks turned red.

Mike stood in the doorway, smiling.

"I see you're both getting along." He said excitedly.

"What's wrong with your face?" He then asked Daniel.

"Someone's got a crush!" Ari sang as he walked into the room after hiding behind the door the whole time.

Steven was pacing outside the door and when we called him into the room, he ran downstairs.

Ari laughed and Mike quirked his eyebrows at me.

"Can I go and give Steven a hug?" I asked and Daniel said it was a bad idea.

As I left the room I could hear Daniel telling Mike that he likes me.

I saw Steven at the bottom of the steps and I sat with him.

"Hey Steven." I said and he was about to run off again but I grabbed him and sat him down.

"No need to run off, I'm sure Mike says exercise but right now... don't." I said to him and he laughed.

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