3. A Living Nightmare

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A/N: Chapter 3, people.

Now, if there are anymore questions, let's see what will happen to the guilty party.

Disclaimer: I don't own everything from Five Nights at Freddy's.

The drive back home felt like hours for Vanessa, even though the hospital was only 30 minutes down the road. With William staying with their daughter until she had awakened, someone needed to go home and find out what made the 9 brothers lash out at their sister. Vanessa also supposed it would've been better if she dealt with the boys first, seeing as William might end up doing something so severe even he would regret it later on. The mother would've take Linx with her, but he clung to his sister like a vice, adamant on not leaving her side.

While driving, a long list ran through Vanessa's head on how to punish her son's. She wasn't even sure if a simple grounding would do. Both Afton parents were usually against the idea of physically assaulting their kin, as they considered it amoral and might cause even more rift in the already fragile bond the family had. But given the circumstances, such an option was now justified. Another idea that came to her mind was having the sons visit Williams Uncle Mason every week. All of the kids hated him due to their Uncles constant need for attention, whether it was showing them old pictures of past vacations or worse, tending to the blisters on his feet. Vanessa cringed at the thought. But, it would help enforce a point. She would have to make up her mind soon, cause before she knew it, the family wagon was pulling into the driveway.

That house was deathly silent as the Afton patriarch entered the house. Glancing around, she saw Frederick on the couch with a tear-stained face and blood red eyes.

"Well, at least Frederick seems upset about the whole thing. But what about the others...?" Vanessa wondered. Taking a deep breath, she summoned her commanding voice. "BOYS! LIVING ROOM, NOW!"

Almost immediately, the other residents of the house made their way to the couch. Even Michael, who was still outside, heard her. Studying the looks of his son, it was evident some have been crying, still had deep frowns of self guilt, or in Liam and Charles case, had gotten into another scrap with each other. Over what, he didn't know, or care for the moment. She was surprised to see that Adrian's eyes were no longer hidden.

Holding a stern look, "I suppose you all know what we're here to talk about...?" They all nodded. Then she asked her soul piercing question. "Why...?"

There were some initial hesitation from the nine brother's. There reasons varied from why they acted so cruelly to their female sibling, but in the end, it boiled down to one simple thing.

"After realizing that the arguments that started yesterday were partially caused by our s-sister, we ended up realizing by accidentally spilling secrets we had about e-e-each other, she was the root cause of our conflict... But..." Carter took his glasses off, clearing his eyes again. He couldn't even speak in his usual monotone as his voice was cracking even further. "I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone else, but I was also reminded of her other misdeeds and traits that made her an a-a... Annoyance, and..." At this point, Carter broke down and started crying like an actual 4 year old. "I lost control of my anger!"

At this point, then Michael spoke, equally at fault for causing some damage. "I twisted one of her arms until I thought I heard the bone snap..."

Charles then spoke. "I'm... Pretty sure I knocked a few of her teeth out..." He glanced over at the blood patches still in the carpet.

Vanessa sighed. "Anything else you boys want to say what you did to your sister...?" After getting no response, she continued. "Well then, I hope you boys got what you wanted out of that fight. Your sister, your only sister might I add, is going to be spending close to a month in the hospital! Not only does she have the injuries 3 of you are clearly responsible of, she also had her nose broken, her pelvis damaged along with her ribs, and she's suffered some blows to her head! All because the 9 of you couldn't keep a lid on your anger!" Her voice boomed, the brothers visibly shaking. "And just so you know, saying 'you're sorry' isn't going to cut it this time, boys!"

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