9. In A Medical Opinion

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A/N: Hello everyone. Glad you guys liked number 8. While writing it, I felt myself cry a bit when doing the dialogue, so I knew I had hit the right stance, and everyone's approval declared that chapter another winner.

Disclaimer: I don't own EVERYTHING from Five Nights at Freddy's. Only my OCs.

Dr. Bonnie just finished doing diagnostic checks on Elizabeth, writing some notes a clipboard. It hadn't been five minutes since he walked off to input the new data about the girl, and already something went wrong. William was in the room as well, but he wasn't holding Linx. The infant was outside in the waiting room with the rest of his brothers. The patriarch held his hands anxiously, looking between the doctor and his daughter. Although Elizabeth's face looked peaceful, what transpired in this room was anything but.

Spring Bonnie finally finished his writing. "Ok Mr. Afton. Elizabeth will be fine, she just needs to rest. Her lack of breath is due to the fact the ribs are still healing, and they can't expand like they normally would when someone is overexerting their body. She needs to pace herself carefully to maintain even breaths until they're fully healed."

"Oh thank God..." The father sighed in relief.

"Now, pardon my language, but what the hell happened in here? And why is there glass and cake on the floor?"

"...My sons... ones responsible for her current condition...they wanted to visit her to apologize for their behavior and for putting her this situation in the first place. The cake was supposed to be a gift...the boys did apologize, but during the whole time, Elizabeth appeared to be stuck in a trance or something. When she finally came around, she started screaming and tried to run from them..." William tried to maintain his composure, but it was very hard, knowing how it seemed his family was falling apart. "She fell on the floor trying to run from us. We wanted to help, but she continued to scream, then begged her brothers to not hurt her..." He put a hand to his mouth to prevent his cries from ringing out.

Spring Bonnie scratched the pen against his temple for a moment. "While it's usual for someone to be afraid if they meet their attacker again, from what you said, it seems this has been for a while. Is that true?"

The father nodded. "On Monday I brought Michael in as he needed bandages for his mouth. He wanted to speak with Elizabeth...I was hesitant at first, but he was insistent on making things right with her. He apologized as well, but even then it seemed Elizabeth hadn't heard him...she smacked him with her food tray when he was next to her...she's also been having nightmares almost every night, about her brothers I believe..."

"Well that explains why Mr. Fredbear was muttering about a broken tray that day..." Spring Bonnie pondered over the information for a moment. "Hmmm...this is more serious than I thought..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've seen a few cases of it, but...are you familiar with the term syngenesophobia Mr. Afton?"

William was stumped. He recognized the 'phobia' part, but not everything else. "Syn...gene...what?"

"Syngenesophobia means when one is afraid of relatives, much like how acrophobia is associated with high places, and hydrophobia with water." The doctor explained.

"Wait, so you're saying...my daughter is deathly afraid of her own brothers?..."

"Given what you said, yes."

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