4. Spreading Like Wildfire

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A/N: Welcome to chapter 4, guys. As far as the punishments concerned, I believe most were justified. And while destroying their prized possessions does sound fun, you gotta remember all of this cost a fortune, and given it likely took them years to obtain the stuff they have now, that's a bit harsh, even for my taste.

Now, let's see how Elizabeth's friends react to the news. Pretty sure you guys will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own everything from Five Nights at Freddy's.

Bon was known as many things: A hardcore fighter, the schools 'Tough Boy' and occasional bully, the King of Pain, and generally someone whose bad side you do not want to be on. Elizabeth herself could attest to that. But 'concerened boyfriend' was something not many knew of. Only Nightmare, Goldie, and Emma know about the close relationship he has with the middle child of the Afton Family, and he preferred to keep it that way lest someone try to denounce his already fierce reputation (even then, said person would very likely get decked in the face). Unfortunately for him, even he would be forced to show the sensitive and caring side he secretly harbors.

The young boy was currently lying on his bed upside down, playing a new handheld game that came out just a few days ago. He texted Elizabeth around noon to see if she wanted to hang out today, but had gotten no response. Some time later he texted again and even called her phone, but it went straight to voice mail. While Bon wasn't text happy like his brother, it still bothered him that Elizabeth hadn't responded at all. He grew irritated at the thought that she may be ignoring him, but he calmed himself, remembering that Elizabeth's family was much larger than his. No doubt her brother's were keeping her busy with whatever it was they did. But even so, she would have ay least glance at her phone at some point.

A sudden knock on his door pulled his undivided attention from the game, which cost him another life. "Ugh! Dang it." Bon turned his head to the door. "It's open!"

Nightmare poked his head in, getting an irritated glare from his brother. The 11 year old sighed. "What is it, Nightmare?"

"You haven't talked with Elizabeth, have you?" He asked, a little nervous.

"No. I texted and called Lame-o, but she didn't have he nerve to respond."


Bon glanced at his brother as his tone of voice made it evident that something was clearly wrong. "Okay, what is it? Did you and Goldie have a falling out again?"

"Well..." He sat on the edge of his bed. "You could say that. But, what I'm going to tell you is really, really bad news, bro. And it's about Elizabeth."

The 11 year old gave a questionable look before rolling backwards on his bed and sat up. "What do you mean...?"

Nightmare paused for a moment before answering. "Elizabeth is... She's at the hospital..."

Bon was still confused. "Wait, what do you mean she's at the hospital? Is she visiting someone?"

"No. I meant she's being cared for at the hospital. Goldie told me everything a while ago... He and 8 of his brothers got into a fight with Elizabeth that left her seriously injured, so she's been admitted to Hurricane General some hours ago. From what his Mom said, she's likely going to be in there for a month... The boys got grounded big time... And me and Goldie broke up... Again..."

The boy blinked twice. Despite having taken in every word he said, he didn't want to believe it. Sure, Elizabeth has told him she's gotten into fights with her brother's, but the girl usually came out of them with only a few bruises or scratches. "Please, tell me you're joking, Nightmare... Please, please tell me everything you said is part of a prank. Did Alex have any part of this...?"

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