Chapter 12: The Thoughts of an Adolescent

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A/N: Life has put me behind my usual chapter scheduling, but hopefully it'll have been worth the wait.

With the parents out of the way, let's take a look into what a certain 17 year old deals with in his daily life, especially considering what's at stake here.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from Five Nights at Freddy's. Just my OCs.

Marionette sat calmly in her chair, reading over some of the notes to prepare herself for another chat with one of the family members. Two minutes after the parents departed, she heard shuffling behind the door before it was slowly opened. Goldie looked around cautiously before stepping inside.


The 17 year old nodded.

"Ok then. I believe you already know my name so I can skip the introduction. Please take a seat." Goldie sat on the lounging chair, his back straight and a frown adorned on his face. This didn't go unnoticed. "Don't worry, dear. All we're going to is talk things over. You won't be in trouble for anything, and if you wish to keep certain information private, I won't tell a soul. Sound good?"

"Alright then..."

"Now, what seems to be troubling you?" This was probably a stupid question, but Marionette needed to break the ice.

The teen sat in silence for a moment, only staring at the floor. "Everything...home life is a school life and reputation is in love life is dead only sister is sitting at the clinic, thinking I'm gonna kill her in her sleep..." Goldie paused. "And right now...I'm pretty sure it's literally my fault that things turned out the way they did..."

"Care to elaborate on this?"

"What else is there? I don't know what you talked about with my parents, but it all adds up! If I didn't get into that stupid fight with Frederick, our brother fight protocol wouldn't have happened, everything would still be as they were, and...Elizabeth...she..." Goldie couldn't finish that sentence without tears forming in his eyes.

Marionette could feel the 17 year old's pain, but she needed to delve deeper into this. "Ok then, let's take a step back for a moment. Aside from what happened recently, what is home usually like? What do you go through every day when your family is in better spirits?"

Goldie grabbed a tissue and wiped his eyes. "Normally...things at home can be pretty...chaotic. I'd be on the phone talking with my girlfriend, in fact, that's what all my siblings think I do..." The teen stated a little irritably, gaining an expecting look from the doctor. "...Ok ok I do talk on my phone a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't take note of my siblings' activities. Fred is usually going on about the latest fashion trends, Chris is always thinking of a new song, Alex is always cracking corny jokes, Mike keeps trying to make every little thing he does into a sport..."

The teen paused to take a breath. "Elizabeth...she's usually busy reading her favorite comics, Building Robotics I believe. Adrian is busy writing poems, and I wish he'd stop popping up at random. I swear, one of these days, he's literally going to wound up punched in the face if he does that to a random person. Liam and Charles usually fight over something trivial, and when they aren't, Liam is either feeding his reptiles and Charles is looking at himself in a mirror to keep up his pageantry. Carter is always in his room working on whatever experiment he has in mind, and Linx, being the baby...just does whatever he wants."

"I see." Marionette scribbled down notes. "Given how you keep a close eye on your siblings, would you say you have a strong relationship with them?"

That was difficult to answer in Goldie's mind. There was no doubt that he knew his siblings viewed him as being bossy, dominating, and tyrannical. Sometimes he'd use his age as an excuse to get what he wants. The fact he'd done this numerous times made it clear that he liked to be seen as being superior to them. What boy wouldn't? However, Goldie did have a few good reasons for his behavior.

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