Chapter 11: Parental Advice

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A/N: And we're back to your regularly scheduled programming. In this chapter, we will begin to long process of healing the Afton family, starting with the parents incase the title didn't tip you off. We'll see how Vanessa and William feel about the current situation, their lives, and what they can hope to do in the future. After all, raising 11 kids isn't easy.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from Five Nights at Freddy's. Only my OCs.

"Wooo...where do I start?" Vanessa asked as she lied down on the lounging chair.

"It doesn't matter who you start with, but I would like to know how you feel about all of your kids." Marionette explained. "And considering how many she has, this is gonna take a while..." She uttered in her head.

"Well, being a mother of 11 kids isn't easy I can tell you family has had a lot of ups and downs, but in the end, we still love each other to the bottom of our hearts...even so, it still baffles me how something like this happened...I guess it was only a matter of time..."

Ms. Puppet tilted her glasses down. "Care to clarify?"

"Well, all of the kids have different personalities that can sometimes cause them to be at odds with each other. And let me tell ya, sibling fights in the house are pretty common. We're not called Loud for nothing." The mother chuckled. "For example, I have two girls that are twins right? They sleep in the same room, but they are practically polar opposites. Charles likes mud and reptiles, not afraid to be covered in dirt while Liam likes cleanliness and beauty. They also tend to fight the most."

"A common thing among identical twins." Marionette stated while writing some notes. "What about the rest of your children?"

"Well...there's Goldie, my oldest son. Any time myself and my husband are at work or leave for the evening, he's entrusted to make sure the house doesn't fall apart. Being that he likes to be organized, he seems to be handling it well. I would argue that he spends too much time on his phone..."

"Is he one of those boys who talks on their cellular device most the time?"

"Heh, more like 24/7. It's funny though. I remember we first got him a phone when he was 13 because he was old enough and responsible enough to handle one. He hardly ever used it for anything other than the occasional call. But, everything changed the very next year."

"Go on?"

"At the time, he started dating this boy named Nightmare, and he finally started using his phone more frequently. Might be a mixed blessing because the phone bill went through the roof at that point. If you can't hear him, you can tell he's around from the non-stop texting he does." Vanessa chuckled.

"Hmm...this Nightmare wouldn't happen to be the same one Emma talks about is it?" The doctor questioned.

" be honest, I don't know any other person named that. He's often called Night though."

Marionette nodded, confirming his suspicions. "Ok. Carry on."

"So, pretty soon his phone became his world basically. I think it got even worse when I finally got him a smart phone after constantly asking for one." The mother sighed. "He's also the only child in the house to have their driver's license. I don't say it much, but I worry every day he'll end up in an accident due to be buried in his phone...well, it's not an issue right now though..." The mother stated solemnly.

"A parent's natural worry." Marionette silently agreed.

"And speaking of driving, there's my second oldest son, Frederick. He's...not exactly the brightest one in the shed...I love him dearly, but his condition can make you want to...slap your forehead at times..."

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