8. Worse Than Expected

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A/N: Welcome to the eighth chapter of this wonderful story. Not going to make too many spoilers as I want people to be surprised, but I hope you'll enjoy this section of the book. We all know how Elizabeth reacted to just seeing one of her guilty brothers, but what if all of them wanted to visit at the same time? Get some ear plugs ready.

Disclaimer: I don't own EVERYTHING from Five Nights at Freddy's, only my OCs.

As the week progressed, everyone had been trying to go about their business like usual. Yet, certain events that had unfolded during the first 2 days had made the rest anything but normal. Word travels fast in our generation, especially with the invention of the Internet, Smartphones, and Social Media. Everyone who was in Elizabeth's classes had been notified about her hospitalization through the teachers, though as to how it happened was kept in the dark. This didn't stop rumors from spreading on how the Afton girl ended up in the clinic: some being outlandish tales of some stunt gone wrong to being more down to earth such as getting hit by a car. This included the very much true rumor that the Afton brothers had something to do with it. None of the boys could go a day without someone asking some variation of the question: what really happened to Elizabeth? Those that did know the answer wisely kept quiet, as to not add more fuel to guilt the Afton kids were feeling.

During the week, Bon and Emma visited whenever they could. Sometimes, they ended up visiting their bed-ridden friend at the same time out of coincidence. The Poster boy hadn't been grounded like he may have expected due to his suspension, but he did have his allowance revoked until his parents had time to buy her a new nightstand. Nightmare also popped in from time to time to check on the little sister he always wanted. Emma made good on her promise to bring Elizabeth the new Building Robotics comics on Wednesday, to which they definitely spent a jolly good time delving into the new issue and graphic novel.

Roxy, Terrence, Tangle, Blue and Mingle also made a visit on Tuesday. Like everyone else, they were surprised at Elizabeth's current state, but at least she was getting better. Yet, despite being informed prior by Adrian, the group did form some resentment towards the brothers. Tangle couldn't believe Christopher would actually do such a thing, especially considering he was supposed to be the brother closest to Elizabeth. As such, the punk rocker effectively stopped socializing with him. Terrence was gonna be sure to give Michael his piece of mind when he returned, and although Blue still hung with Adrian, the Afton goth did notice his friend was starting to distance himself. Roxy and Mingle just outright refused to acknowledge any of the Afton boys' existence, although they did cast glares at any of the brothers they happened to see in school.

Yet, despite all the heckling, glares, and the constant buzz about their family, the boys still held onto a glimmer of light, thinking their current situation would change for the better. They never realized how wrong they were.

It was Friday afternoon, the beginning of the weekend. Michael and Bon were allowed back on school grounds and had to catch up on everything they missed (including a few tests). The two occasionally saw each other throughout the day, and anyone around could feel the tension between them. The Hispanic boy still had the urge to floor the sports fanatic, but at the urging of his father, he kept himself in check. Didn't stop him from uttering small threats to the boy. Bon had similar feelings toward the other Aftons, giving them a harsh glare that would make them close to wetting their pants. The guilt-ridden looks they would give in response further fueled the bully within him, though he didn't act upon his thoughts of carnage lest he wanted another suspension.

Michael, on the other hand, spent much of the day drowning in a mixture of embarrassment and depression. Almost half the student body had been mocking hin for the way Bon practically manhandled him on Monday, thinking he was all talk and not the so-called Invincible Michael he often boasted. Even a few dim students had the mind to attempt to physically confront him, which of course left them with bruised faces while they called for their fathers. To make his day even more sh*tty, Terrence told him about his visit to Elizabeth. The jock wasn't in the mood for another hate speech, but took anyway because deep down, he knew he deserved every moment of it. It ended with Terrence refusing to even acknowledge Michael until he fixed the mess he got himself into.

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