10: Getting Down To Business

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A/N: Sorry for the delay with chapter 10. Got a bit busy over my break. But hopefully it would've been worth the wait. Finally, the Aftons get to meet Dr. Puppet in person. Hopefully she can help the family mend the struggles their facing right now.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from Five Nights at Freddy's. Just my OCs.

All of the Aftons gave a sigh of relief as they piled into Vanzilla this Saturday afternoon, except Goldie, who was vomiting into the bushes. Keeping true to his punishment, Vanessa took the boys to see their Great Uncle Mason. William came along as his wife had some good news for everyone, but she kept quiet for the time being as the matriarch wanted to get this dreadful visit over with. As expected, their surprise visit was rather...boring to put it lightly. Same old videos, same old cats, same old cruddy molded pudding...Perhaps the worst part came when Mason asked about Elizabeth's absence. Hesitantly, the parents stated she was sick and couldn't attend, but that didn't stop the 'Great' Uncle from having someone massage his feet (as she typically had Elizabeth do it). Naturally, no one wanted to even be near those disgusting things he walked on, but the old hag wouldn't take no for an answer. It was Goldie who decided to take one for the family. Before the visit could get any more gross, the Aftons had enough and called it a day. Before exiting the house, William took the chance to tell his uncle that he needed better food, as the patriarch didn't want more of his kids falling ill.

"You think he'll be ok?" Frederick asked.

"Trust me Fred. I like gross stuff, but even I wouldn't touch Uncle Mason's feet..." Liam shivered.

"Hearing him puke is makin' me want to puke..." Alex added.

"Goldie's not the King of Puke for nothin' bro..." Chris replied.

The oldest Afton boy staggered to the van, a mix of stomach acid and broken down food covering the sides of her mouth. William took out a medium sized bottle of hand sanitizer and dumped it all on the poor boys' palms. He even gave her some tissues.

"Carter...when we get home...I want you to make some acid so I can dip my hands in them..." Goldie ordered as he cleaned his face.

"We're grounded, remember? Plus, I wouldn't recommend acid unless you want to be in excruciating pain for the rest of your life." The little genius replied.

"Whatever! I literally, can't ever use these hands after touching...those..." Goldie shook violently as he winced in disgust. He felt her stomach flipping again, but resisted the urge to vomit. He just wanted to get the hell out of there.

The rest of the boys shared his sentiments. While they were discussing the unfortunate incident, William knew there were better matters to attend to. "So what did you want to tell us honey?"

"Well, good news is I found a therapist." Vanessa announced, causing the boys to fall silent.

"Is she good?" Christopher asked first.

"Does she have the mental capacity to handle our situation?" Carter question.

"Can she help Lizzy?" Frederick question.

"The answer to all of that is: I have no idea. Her name is Dr. Puppet, and she said we could come as soon as we can. I just hope she's available on the weekends..."

"You didn't ask for her business hours?" The irritation in Goldie's voice was clear.

"I...forgot to do that before I hung up."

"So what's the bad news?" Charles piped up.

"Well...I thought it'd be a good idea for all of us to have a couple sessions with her." The 9 sons were surprised. "Look, I know how down you boys have been since last Sunday, and I think it'll help if she evaluates our entire family. Myself and William already know this family could seriously use some therapy, not just Elizabeth...so is everyone ok with that?"

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