when we met

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Pov kirishima age 10:

I walked down the hall my music load as it could be my head down hoping
No one would notice me. But I'm not that lucky. They pushed me into the wall and I fell. They kicked me and hit I don't know why they do this. But it's better then what happens at home I activated my quirk to protect me and finally they left I started walking home again. I open the door to be met with my father as soon as I step in the house he slaped me acrossed the face. "WHY ARE YOU LATE"
I know I shouldn't answer it will only make it worse " YOU WORTHLESS PICE OF SHIT I DONE WITH THIS FUCK IT"
he walked in to the kitchen when he came back he had a knife. He had never done more then hit me before I wanted to run but knew I couldn't. So I stud there as he walked over grabbed me by my hair and through me against the wall. I knew why he was so mad at me it's because I cut my hair but he doesn't understand I am not a girl. He walks over and put the knife to my stomach he cut deep and then cut my arms and even my face when he was done he took me to his room. I knew what he would do next. He had done this before about once a month he will take to his room and rape me. I had passed out at some point from blood loss I woke naked in his bed. It was the middle of the night he had probably gone to the bar or something. I stumbled to my clothes getting them on and some how made my way to my room. I needed help I don't think I will live if didn't get any. He broke my phone when he threw me at the wall so I couldn't call anyone the only thing I could do was go find some to help. I stumbled outside just as guy around my age ran by. "Please help me"
I yelled. He walked over he had Ash blonde spikey hair and red eyes like mine. He saw the blood and called an Ambulance. he asked me what happened and I tried to talk but ended up passing out again.

(Time skip)

I woke up I was in a hospital. I was confused at first then I remembered what had happened. My "dad" was going to kill me for doing this I started to cry I didn't even realize that there was someone else in the room. It was the guy from the street. He walked over me. "Your finally awake"
"How long has it been" I asked wipping my eyes
"About a week"
"A WEEK no no no no no"
"M-m- my dad h-he'll"
before I could say anything a nurse walked in and told him to wait out side while they did some tests.
(Mini time skip to after test)
Leter they let him back in while the questioned me they ask me my name
"Emkio kirishima" I almost started crying I hate that name along with a few other things And what happened I didn't have a choice I had to tell the truth he almost killed me so I told them what happened that day.
Then the doctors left they informed the police about my "dad". The guy that brought me here was still in the room " I am sorry that you had to go though such a thing" he said
"It over now right he'll go to jail and I won't have to deal with that bastard anymore"
"Yeah but no one should have to go though that"
"I don't really want to talk about it "
" Oh I understand"
With that the doctor walked back in with pro hero fat gum. They informed me that I would be staying with him and his spouse. That's so cool I get to live with a pro hero. A some point I didn't notice but the guy who saved me had left I felt bad I didn't get to thank him the doctors changed my bandges and we could leave. We walked out to the car " thank you mister umm sorry I don't know your real name" I said
"Don't thank me u desvre at least this also you can call me Taishiro if u want"
"Kid where is your house so we can stop and get your stuff"
"Okay" he says as he starts to drive to my house
(Time skip)
When we get there I watch a cop car dive off. I get out of the and go inside the house I a mess shadered glass everywhere. I go to my room and pack my stuff. Taishiro helps me carry it to the car. Talking about random things the whole time.

(Time skip)

The car stoped in front of what must be Taishiro's house helps me take my stuff inside his spouse Kyo shows me to my room it very nice. The walls are a light grey color the trim and curtains are red. Taishiro sets my stuff down. "Okay kid set up your room and then I should be time to eat" taishiro says and they both walk out I finish setting up my new room and go to the dinning room we all talk during dinner I was so happy to be with a real family. But someting wasn't right.

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