Chapter 15 [Play Charade]

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My roommate is the world biggest jerk15

Chapter 15 [Play Charade]

There was never any conversation going on here, except for short awkward and necessary ones.

There were no laughter too, save for the time I was so bored I brought comics to read while I ate and had laughed aloud at one of the jokes. He looked my way for a second before being immersed in his books again.

Besides eating, watching television and sometimes even nodding off, from the observation that I had made, Aiden never does anything else but read. And I had been spending my lunch time here close to three weeks.

The only real conversation we had shared the other day was about a shopping trip we were ‘scheduled’ to have later in the evening. It was a farce of course, another game of charade we were to perform to appease the public of our on-going ‘love life’.

I was falling into a routine of lies, spawning a web of deceit around me. Though time had passed life at school was not getting any better, if not they were getting somewhat worst. Following the public display of affection we let slip once in a while: most recently the shopping trip just fueled their intention to make my life a living hell.

In the beginning was the hardest for me though, I was not a convincing liar. But now lying was growing on me. I can tell a lie no problem now. I act okay too, according to Ryui; I had pulled off the shopping trip act flawlessly. In the beginning I cried a lot, especially the time when during the first weekend when I went up to Loraine’s house and she won’t come out to meet me.

 I stood for an hour outside her house until she herself got out to send me away. That was when I cried the hardest and told her everything. She didn’t believe me at first but I finally convinced her otherwise. We quickly went to meet Addy and I cleared up things with her too. We ended up crying, all three of us, even the matured Addy who shed some tears and patted my back promising things will look up in the end. Both promised not to tell anyone about it.

The only thing that still had my heart aching was Alex. He was still avoiding me and refused to talk to me. Despite Josh’s and Mary Sue’s best effort to force us together, it was still not working.

“Before he kind of likes you, you know so it’s hard for him to adjust the idea. Give him time.” Josh said to me once and I nodded it off. I waited but it seem just waiting for Alex to talk to me again was taking too long. It was time to take matters to my own hand. It was fifteen minutes for the bell to ring ending lunch break. I got up and straightened myself.

“Where are you going?” Aiden inquired from behind his book.

“Out.” I simply replied.

“Lunch’s not over yet, I don’t want you wondering around. You’ll get bullied.” He said, closing his book looking up to me. I smiled but I picked up mu lunch box anyway.

“I have to do something.” I replied. “Well, bye then.” With that I pivoted around but before I could get to the door Aiden called for me again.

“Wait a sec.” he said before he went and began looking for something behind the bar. Then he emerged with a black box with a silver bow tied to it, later pushing the square box to me.

The lettering on the box revealed the content. It was a brand new cell phone. “The sim card is inside the box.” He muttered. “So now you can return the phone you borrowed from Ryui.”

Still dumbfounded I stared at the box I held in my hand.

“I can’t have this.” Finally as soon as I regained my speech I rejected his kind gesture and pushed the box into his hands again.

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