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After I got stitched up, yes I needed stitches it was that bad, I went to stiles's house, after what he saw on Lydia's phone he was freaking out and trying to constantly call Scott, I was lying down on his bed because I was told not to move a lot "hey, it's me again" he sighed through the phone "look, I found something, and I don't know what to do, okay? So if you could turn your phone on right now, that would be great or else I'll kill you, do you understand me, I'm gonna kill you and I'm to upset to come up with a witty description about how Exactly I'm gonna kill you, but I'm just gonna do it, okay? I'm gonna... ugh! goodbye" Stiles said aggressively walking back and forth making me chuckle and bury my head more into his pillow, he sighed and sat down on his chair then we heard a knock at his door making stiles get a fright "please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/teacher thing tonight" mr stilinski said leaning on the door way, I felt my smile fade as I heard mr stilinski say that because I won't have a parent or guardian to go which upsets me a bit but I try and ignore it "depends on how you define good news" stiles shrugged looking at his father "I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioural issues" mr stilinski said "might wanna rethink that definition" I giggled stiles giving me a glare "enough said" mr stilinski nodded turning away and walking out the door, stiles swung on his chair and grabbed his phone looking at what I'm guessing was the video Lydia took "come on, Scott, where the hell are you?" He sighed throwing his head back on the chair "stiles, stop stressing out" I laugh throwing a pillow at him "I can't help it" he shrugged looking at me "come here" I said tapping the space beside me on the bed, he walked over and sat down resting his back on his head board "how's the stitches?" He asked pointing to them "uh good, they still hurts like a bitch but it doesn't hurt as much as it did before" I smiled pulling up my vest looking at the bandage that was covered in blood "is your mom going to the parents thing tonight?" He asked "no, she's still working" I shook my head looking up at him "I'm sorry" he said giving me a sympathetic smile "it's okay, just means she won't know my grades are bad" I chuckled "oh come on, they aren't that bad" he said with a smile "stiles, they are horrible" I said making both of us laugh, he moved closer to me and pulled me into him, I rested my head and hand on his chest and let out a light sigh "what are you doing for prom?" I asked "nothing, I have no one to go with, what about you?" He shrugged "yeah same, I'm not gonna go, there's no point" I shook my head "oh" was all he said "uh, you should ask Lydia to go" I smiled "hmm nah, I don't think she would go with me anyways, plus I kinda wanted to go with someone else" he said "I think she would go with you, who's the other girls?" I asked sitting up looking at him "oh, don't worry about it" he shook his head "no doubt it's another popular deva chick" I said as we both laughed, stiles put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug putting his other hand around my waist, I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around him "you give the best hugs" I whispered "really, cuz I always thought yours were the best" he said putting his head on mines which made me grin, he's never done this with me before, I don't know why he's doing it now but it felt good "I need to move, I'm gonna fall asleep" I chuckled sitting up turning to face him "it's okay, I'll wake you up if Scott calls back" he smiled slightly, stiles moved down on the bed so his back was no longer on the head board, I snuggled my head back on his chest and put my hand around his waist with my leg over his, he was always so warm, he was literally like a personal hot water bottle, as soon as I put my head on his chest I instantly fell into a deep slumber.

I walked out of my class and seen stiles and Scott so I ran up to them "He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles asked "yeah" Scott nodded making me frown my eyebrows "all right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you try to do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me or Isabelle" stiles pointed to him and me "I know, that's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me, I have to be able to control it" Scott said "well, how's he gonna teach you how to do that?" I asked looking at Scott "I don't know, I don't think he does either" Scott shrugged "okay, when are you seeing him again?" Stiles asked "he just told me not to talk about it, just act normal and get through the day" Scott said "when?" Stiles asked hitting Scott's chest "he's picking me up at the animal clinic after work" Scott said "after work, all right, well, that gives me the end of the school day then" stiles said "to do what?" Scott asked confused "to teach you myself" stiles said walking away, me and Scott looked at each other and I raised an eyebrow "this is gonna be fun" I smiled tapping Scott's chest and walking to meet Lydia and Allison.

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