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It kept playing through my head, I couldn't get it out, every time I blinked I saw the sword go through her, Allison is dead, my best friend is dead and I'm never going to get her back, none of us are, not Scott, Allison's first love, not Issac the person that meant so much to her, not Lydia, the person she helped through rough times and not me, the person she showed what strength and courage looks like, it's times like this you wish you could just turn your humanity switch off, but you can't, you need to deal with the fact and the feeling that your never going to get that one person back no matter how hard you try and no matter how much it hurts.

I went home and went to bed, I never slept i stayed awake until the sun came up, I could sleep, every time I closed my eyes to try all I could see was Allison's lifeless body in Scott's arms, i had texts and missed phone calls from Scott Lydia Issac and everyone, but I ignored them, I heard my phone ding and I looked at it to see it was a text from Lydia.

Hey izzybee, I know you aren't feeling the best but it would help a lot if you were here, we're going to the school, we'll be there, I love you so much xox

I looked at the text and put my phone back down going on my back looking at my ceiling, I let out a sigh, Allison wouldn't want me to be like this, she would want me to keep fighting especially for her and for stiles, she would want us to find out how to help stiles and she would want me to be there helping, I need to do this, not just to show everyone I'm stronger than I am, but to show Allison go. I grabbed my phone and phoned Issac "Isabelle?" He said through the phone "hey, Issac, where are you?" I asked standing up and going to my closet to get clothes "I'm at argents, we're going to the school, I think we've found how how to kill the oni" he said "okay, pick me up I'm coming with you" i hung up the phone throwing it on the bed, I grabbed black jeans and a black shirt and jacket putting them on, I got my knifes putting them in my belt, I walked out my room walking to my door waiting for issac and Chris to pick me up so we can kill these motherfuckers.

Argent hit one of them with the bow and Issac jumped down, I ran down the stairs, the oni pulled the arrow out of its chest then disappeared into nothing "what was that?" Ethan said turning his head to argent (again I literally have no idea who's who) "silver" argent said "Issac! The box, get the trisklele box to Scott!" Derek yelled issac ran and grabbed the box, I pulled out my knife ready to fight, argent shot another arrow but the oni  sliced it in half "get the arrow. It's the last one!" Argent yelled I ran and and dodged the oni grabbing the arrow, I stood up and turned around, but when I did, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me gasp, I looked down and seen the sword coming out of my stomach, the oni disappeared, i dropped the arrow and I held onto my wound with the large knife still there, I was struggling to breathe and I knew I wasn't going to survive this, but I'm okay with it, you know why? Because I saved my friends from being in the situation I'm in now, I pulled the sword out making me let out a huge groan from the pain, I fell to my knees holding my stomach, Derek the twins and argent walked over to me, derek sat beside me holding me up "your okay" he whispered I looked up at argent and the twins they all had a pained look on their face "Isabelle!" Stiles yelled running down holding  me in his arms "they got me stiles" I said tearing up looking at my hand that was covered in blood then his eyes that were filled with pain "it's okay izzy" he said holding my wound trying to hold in his tears "does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?" I said letting a tear fall putting my hand on his hand that was  on my wound "yeah" he nodded wiping away the tear that escaped from my eye "it's okay" I said stiles let out a chuckle that led to a small sob, I could feel my eyes get heavier, but I had to hang on just a little bit longer, for stiles "you gotta keep your eyes open, your gonna make it izzy, please" stiles said quietly "I'm finally going to see Allison again" I cried but pushed out small smile, I could feel myself choke on the blood that was coming out of my mouth "no, Isabelle, I'm not letting you go" he said holding me tight "I can take her pain away" Scott said walking to me and holding my hand trying to take the pain "I can't take it away" He said looking at me I shook my head and looked at him "because I'm not in pain, I saved my best friends from being in the situation I'm in right now" I said looking at stiles "and, I'm in the arms of the best thing that's ever happened to me" I smiled stiles looked in my eyes with complete and utter sadness but there was love there to, I could see it, he let out a sob and put his hand in my hair kissing my four head "please don't go, I need you izzy" he sobbed I couldn't trust myself to be here for him, but I could trust someone else "Lydia" I said loud enough for her to hear, she walked over and took my hand "yes" she cried "can you promise me something?" I asked letting more tears fall "anything in the world" she smiled squeezing my hand "please. please, look after stiles for me" I sobbed Lydia closed her eyes and sobbed holding my hand in both of hers "I promise" she said looking at me "no, no  you don't need to promise anything, she's gonna be here to look after me" stiles cried I looked at Scott and gave him and Kira a light smile, a goodbye smile if you will "I'll tell her you said hi" i looked at argent and pushed a smile, he put his hand over his mouth letting a tear fall, I looked back at stiles and built up the energy to raise my hand to touch his face "I'm gonna miss you so much stiles stilinski" i whispered taking my hand off his cheek "no, no, no!" Scott yelled running over to me, but it was to late, I already closed my eyes, I was already gone, I could hear stiles scream and cry, I could feel all his emotions, I could feel him hug me tight and put his head on my chest, then my life flashed before my eyes, I could see all the good memories we all had, Kira, Scott, Lydia, derek, allison and even Melissa but the person that was in every one of the memories, was stiles, his smile his laugh and his jokes, they rung through my head like music to my ears, this was the last time I was going to hear his amazing laugh and see his beautiful smile and hear his weirdly funny jokes, and it was all in my head, it was all memories, it wasn't real, the memories were getting slower and more faint, then everything went black and I let out my last breath.

Stiles's POV
"No! Izzy!" I screamed into her chest "please, I can't lose you" I cried more "I can bite her" Scott said "what?" I asked looking up at him like he was crazy "I can bite her" he repeated "no! get away from her!" I screamed holder her closer "stiles, if I bite her she'll come back as a werewolf, she'll be with you us again, she'll be with you" he said bending down beside her I nodded my head, I felt strong hands on me, I looked to the side and seen the twins pulling me up "Scott, it's not gonna work, she's already dead" derek said "maybe she's not" Scott said grabbing her arm shifting into a werewolf, next thing I know he had his teeth sunk into her wrist, he looked at her and she still never woke up, he bit her again on her four arm then on her upper arm "stop! Your killing her" I screamed I pushed the twins off me then pushed Scott away holding Isabelle's lifeless body in my arms "look what you did! you killed her!" I yelled at Scott rocking Isabelle back and forth "she was already dead stiles" Scott said standing up "stiles we need to go, we'll take her to the hospital" Lydia said walking beside me "no, she needs me, I need her, I can't leave her," I whispered letting out a sob, Lydia kneeled down and pulled me into a hug "come on, she's in a better place, she saved us" Lydia whispered I stood up looking over Isabelle, she was dead, and it was all my fault.

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