𝘀𝗶𝘅 | sticky note

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TONIGHT MARKS the beginning of Jisu's venture into evening classes, and in true scholarly fashion, she's already at the university, eager to dive into this new chapter.

The anticipation stirs a blend of excitement and nerves within her. It could be the novelty of the nighttime academic environment or perhaps the prospect of encountering fresh faces in the faculty that unsettles her.

This evening, her mother's comforting presence is absent, as work commitments at Shin's Deversorium, a business under Yuna's family's helm, beckons her away. Usually, Mrs. Choi would ensure Jisu had a hearty dinner before setting off for her studies, but today's rush left them both improvising. Thus, Jisu finds solace in the offerings of the university's cafeteria instead.

Jisu stood in line with patience, and as her turn arrived, she greeted the elderly woman with a smile and a respectful bow. “Good evening. Could I please get a bowl of ramen and a can of soda?” she requested. Upon receiving Jisu's order, the woman turned to the kitchen to begin its preparation. It wasn't long before the delicious scent wafted over to Jisu, tantalizing her senses. While savoring the aroma, she reached into the pocket of her skirt, pulling out her wallet to extract the necessary cash.

Jisu decided to meander around the campus, making the most of the free moments before her evening class began.

A crisp breeze swept through, momentarily wrapping Jisu in a cool embrace before drifting away. She wrapped her arms around herself, not from the chill, but for comfort. The whisper of leaves stirring around her brought a sense of solace. So immersed was she in this tranquility that she didn't notice she had wandered to the spot where she first encountered Ryujin. And there she was again, crouched down, engrossed in capturing the world through her lens.

Approaching quietly, Jisu observed Ryujin's form: the subtle shifts of her posture as she sought the perfect angle, the slight flex of her biceps under the weight of her camera, her fingers gracefully encircling the device, and the pronounced veins in her hands as she gripped her photographic tool.

“Hey,” Jisu called out, but Ryujin, deeply engrossed in her task, was caught off guard by the sudden interruption, almost dropping her camera in the process. Startled, she instinctively took a step back, her facial expressions shifting rapidly from blank to overwhelmed. Concerned, Jisu reached out to her, but Ryujin's response was a fierce rebuke.

Confusion clouded Jisu's thoughts. Why was Ryujin reacting like this? Why did she seem to want Jisu to keep her distance?

“What's wrong, Ryujin? I don't understand,” Jisu said, holding her hand out in a gesture of peace. “Just calm down, okay? I'm not trying to cause any trouble.”

Though Ryujin knew deep down that Jisu meant no harm, her own stress levels were too high to fully trust it. Nonetheless, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, willing herself to calm her racing heart and anxious mind.

Jisu observed Ryujin with a mix of curiosity and concern, wondering what thoughts were swirling in her head. However, when Ryujin's eyes met hers again, Jisu felt a jolt of tension.

Ryujin's gaze was icy, devoid of warmth.

“Please, just leave me alone,” Ryujin requested, her politeness underscored by a steely resolve.

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