𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 | somewhere safe...?

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JISU LET out a heavy sigh, her expression clouded with worry. It had been two days, yet she found herself unable to muster the courage to tell her mother about the breakup.

Her mother held Ryujin in high esteem, having envisioned a future for Jisu with her. They shared a close bond, and Jisu feared that their separation might tarnish her mother's view of Ryujin.

Currently seeking refuge at Chaeryeong's house, Jisu couldn't bring herself to stay in her own home. Every glance at her house brought back the echoes of that dreadful day, filling her with a sense of suffocation and despair. The thought alone of being there felt as though she was being consumed by flames.

Shaking her head in an attempt to dispel the relentless thoughts crowding her mind, Jisu found herself lost in contemplation. Her thoughts drifted to Ryujin: her captivating face, expressive eyes, soft lips, and the warmth of her touch. Memories of their shared moments flooded her mind, from Ryujin's comforting embrace to the sound of her laughter.

A bitter chuckle escaped Jisu's lips. She hadn't anticipated that loving someone like Ryujin would bring such intense pain.

Fearing her thoughts might overwhelm her, Jisu reached for the television remote, hoping to distract herself for even a fleeting moment. But as she turned on the television, a news report flashed across the screen, capturing her attention.


Shin Ryujin, heiress to the globally renowned Shin family empire, has reportedly ended her relationship with Choi Jisu just two days ago.

“The 'Faceless Heiress,' as she was once known, made headlines upon revealing herself to the public. Her charm quickly garnered widespread admiration.”

All Jisu sought was a moment of tranquility. Fine, I'm shutting this damn T.V. off. But just as she made the decision, an image of her and Ryujin appeared on the screen.

“In a surprising turn of events, Shin Ryujin, the scion of the influential Shin family, publicly declared the university's top scholar, Choi Jisu, as her partner. The revelation took many by surprise.

The matriarch of Shin International University, Mrs. Shin, has yet to issue a statement regarding the unfolding scandal. Our team is actively pursuing her insights on the matter. Now, back to the studio.”

Jisu entertained thoughts of seeking vengeance for both Ryujin and her tarnished reputations. She could easily dream up several schemes to retaliate against the crass and unprofessional journalist. However, a somber realization dawned on her...

They were no longer a couple, were they?

Triggered by a memory, Jisu began searching for her phone. Chaeryeong had left early and must have hidden it to keep Jisu from obsessing. Lately, Chaeryeong seemed preoccupied with something, causing Jisu to feel uneasy.

Upon locating her sought-after phone and powering it on, Jisu was immediately met with a flood of messages from Yuna. They ranged from apologies to speculative theories.

Curious, Jisu tapped to open Yuna's most recent message.

『 Yuna-yah ♥╣[-_-]╠♥ 』

But then again, Ryujin eonni has never been known to make foolish decisions. In fact, she's never been one to act without thinking.

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