Love the One Youre With: Chapter 1 Rewrite Teaser

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Traveling alone had its positives, and negatives. So far there were more cons than pros but Emiy wasn't going to give up. She found herself on a train somewhere in Scotland making her way to London. She was horridly far from home but she paid for a long vacation and by God she was going to get one.

By the time she was settling down in her seat she had noticed someone staring at her. In between glances she could tell he wasn't the height of beauty but he definitely wasn't hard to look at. After a few glances back and forth he spoke up.

"Can I help you?" He asked as if she was the one staring at him. She frowned. By his tone she could tell he was joking with her but all the same she played along.

"I'm not sure," She asked, leaning toward him. He was across the aisle and back two rows but the seats weren't too far to talk to one another. "Can you help me?" She raised an eyebrow before turning away. Something about this foriegn air made her act differently. If her overbearing family could see her now they would be shocked.

"Nice pickup line." he chuckled before holding out a hand to her from across the aisle. "I'm Thomas." He smiled at her as she shook her hand.

"Emily." She said, "It's nice to meet you." He returned the sentiment before they got talking about themselves.

"What do you do for a living?" Emily asked.

"I'm an actor." He said. She was surprised. She thought it could be something boring like an accountant. "What about you?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm a student. I study Microbiology." She felt like that was increasingly boring so she didn't elaborate on that. Thomas nodded as if it was a pretty cool thing to do but quickly moved on.

"That's pretty cool. I mean, it's pretty grown up, you know?" He said trying to make her feel less awkward about her profession. But Emily did know it was grown up. That was why she chose it. In her house you had to grow up relatively fast and stay that grown up. "I mean my job is about as childish as you can get. You just dress up and pretend to be someone else for a few hours." Emily laughed and turned to her bag.

"Alright then, Thomas," Emily dug around for a bit before coming back up, "You have a childish profession," she started, "Do you like to be childish sometimes?" She asked, pulling out a pack of crayons and a coloring book. Thomas chuckled before taking the coloring book. He flipped through and decided on an octopus playing baseball. They were expecting a thirteen hour train ride so he agreed to join her.

While they colored Thomas told her about his life while in turn Emily listened. That's what she was good at after all. When conversation called for it Emily shared a bit about herself. She was careful not to share too much just for safety sake but little facts here and there couldn't hurt.

After a few hours they realized they were out of pages and the crayons were nearly gone. Emiy shrugged and put the books back in her bag.

"I'm sorry about the full coloring books." He said glancing over at the once brand new crayons, and saw they were all run down to little nubs, "And the crayons, I'll buy you more when we get to London," he said.

"Twist my arm." Emily laughed before leaning back in her seat.

"If you don't mind I'd like to sleep for a while," he said as if reading her mind.

"Absolutely not." Emily said sarcastically as she felt herself feel tired. Not too long after that interaction Emily was asleep.

When she woke up it was like a strange alternate reality. The attendants were handing out sodas and coffees but the sun wasn't up. She glanced back at Thomas to see if he was up. She wasn't sure why, he owed her nothing and yet she was compelled to see what he was doing.

Thomas had his head back and he had his headphones in. He turned towards her and they made eye contact. He cracked a smile at her before turning his phone around so she could see the album cover.

"Wanna listen?" He asked. Emily smiled. Even though she didn't recognise the album she gladly took his airpod and watched as he hit play.

"So, what brings you to London?" He asked her, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I needed a vacation." She said, "All my family is away, and I was all alone, so I decided to use some money I had set aside for a car and here I am!" She chuckled bittersweetly like she regretted it.

"That sounds like a good plan." he smiled again. "I mean, cars are bad for the climate so sounds like a win win."

"What about you?" She asked, "What took you out of England?"

"I had a job." he said shrugging like a 'job' for him wasn't possibly the most exciting thing to happen. Conversation flowed between them very easily. Eventually Emily invited him to sit in the empty seat next to her.

"What time is it?" Emily asked as he got settled. Thomas looked down at his watch.

"About five," he said. Emily frowned. This train seemed to be taking the long way around. It caused a little panic to rise in her chest.

"Our train ride is taking too long." Emily slowly. She leaned over him to look out the window.

"In the morning." He said interrupting her fuss and gently pushing her back into her seat. She suddenly turned a bit red.

"Hello, can I get either of you anything?" The stewardess asked. She had a voice far too cheery for how early it was.

"Any chance for a hot chocolate?" Emily said to the Stewardess. She nodded before turning to Thomas.

"Make that 2," he said. The stewardess walked off to get their drinks. "That's quite a childish drink." Thomas chuckled.

"You got one too," Emily said looking at her phone. Thomas sat there and looked at her. After a minute he cleared his throat.

"When we stop, would you like to get breakfast with me?" He asked. "I know some nice places that aren't as busy as others and I thought that maybe being with a local it would be nice." He was rambling but Emily didn't need anything else said to her. She knew she was going to go with him.

"I don't suppose you are asking me out on a date," Emily said just pulling him around.

"That was what I was aiming for was a date," he said, "Why wouldn't it be a date?" He asked.

"I have hot beverages," The stewardess interrupted their playful banter with their drinks. After passing them out and adequately burning the roofs of their mouths they returned to their conversation.

"So, breakfast? With me?" He smiled charmingly before Emily broke her facade.

"Of course." She said. And the train stopped.

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